14. Who the Fuck is Owen?

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Okay, so I was going to leave it and write this chapter later, but I felt bad for not updating this story in a while so I'm gonna keep going. Enjoy.


Bandit's POV

The van dropped me off in front of the Iero household and the only thing keeping me from running inside and hunting down Cherry was my two bags that seemed to be heavier than they were when I left. I guess that's what I get for buying souveniers in every state. God, I was such a tourist. 

I opened the door with the key that Frank had given me a while ago and went inside. The house seemed to be empty, so I assumed everyone was gone. I guess I forgot that Cherry was still in school. I went upstairs anyway, to put my stuff in Cherry's room, but that's where I found her. 

She was standing next to the window, shaking and gripping onto a magazine as if she were trying to strangle it. I immediately dropped my bags and ran over to her. I tried to wrap my arms around her to comfort her, but she push me away forcefully.

"Why?" Her voice was so broken, she was crying. What was going on?

"Cherry, what's wrong? Please, I want to help." She didnt look at me, she just held up the magazine. There on the cover, right smack in the middle was my worst nightmare. 

It was a photo of me and Owen. We were both clearly drunk, and we seemed to have our tongues down eachother's throats. This wasn't a photo from last night, though. This was from the party we went to about a week ago. But, why didn't I remember this? Did this happen every time we both got wasted? 

"Cherry, I-"

"Don't even say it. You promised. You swore to me that you would never cheat on me. And yesterday, on the phone, you lied to me. I just want to know why?" I felt so helpless.

I wanted to help her. I wanted to hold her. I wanted to find whoever hurt her and make them pay for what they've done, but, I couldn't. Because I was the one that did this to her.

"I didn't know what I was doing when it happened. I swear C, I was drunk. I dont even remember it happening. I promise Cherry, I never wanted to hurt you." She finally looked up at me. 

Her eyes said it all. I had done it. I had screwed up big time, and I had broken her heart. And now, I couldn't fix it.

"You still lied to me." She turned back to the window. "My dad knows, and if you're here when he gets home, he's out to kill you. Take your things and leave, I dont think we should be together anymore."

I choked back a sob and nodded. I deserved this. I turned around and grabbed my bags. My dad was in town, I could have him pick me up at the cemetery, and then I could go back with him to California. I cant believe this. I dont deserve someone like her anyway. I lied and cheated and hurt her, everything I swore I wouldnt do. I deserve to die.

"I'm sorry," I apologized one last time before leavin her there, and walking away from, undoubtedly, the best thing that has ever happened to me.



AHHH What?!? No! It can't be over just like that! What?

Have no fear, there's still Seven more chapters to go....

Unfortunately that means that you guys will have to wait for me to write seven chapters of this thing before we come to a conclusion. Sorry about that.

Until Next time, Shriek.

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