9. Just Like Your Father

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Bandit's POV

I pulled into the parking lot of the apartments that I was staying in, shocked to see a bunch of police cars scattered about.

I got out, locking my doors and slinging my bag over my shoulder before walking towards them to get a better look. I started panicking a little when I saw the door of my apartment wide open. I hurried up to one of the officers that was standing outside.

“Excuse me,” I said, tapping on his shoulder. He turned and gave me a weird look before crossing his arms. “What’s going on here?”

“Oh, some poor sucker in 4B got robbed. They didn’t leave much, just some drawings and books.” I didn’t even hear him finish, for I was sprinting towards my apartment.

“Woah, where do you think you’re going little miss?” Another officer stood in front of me, blocking my path. 

“Get out of my way!” I said frantically. “That’s my fucking apartment. 

Realization dawned on his face and he stepped aside, allowing me to rush up the stairs and through the doors. I stopped in my tracks when I saw it.

It the first room, my futon was torn to shreds, the stuffing all over the floor. The pictures that were originally hanging on the wall were now smashed and ripped apart on the ground. There was glass everywhere, and people were searching around. 

Everything was gone besides the things that were ruined. I let out an small gasp and felt the warm trickles of water run down my cheek. I managed to make my feet move again and walk towards my room.

I looked towards the kitchen . Everything was either smashed, taken or tipped over. The pictures that Cherry had hung on my fridge were torn up and scattered along the floor. I looked away and stepped into my room. 

The officer was right. The only things left that weren’t broken or destroyed were some of my books, a few CD’s, and a few photos on the wall above my destroyed mattress. I walked over to a frame that was originally sitting on my nightstand but was now upside-down on the floor with glass broken around it. 

I picked it up and turned it over in my hands, being careful not to hurt myself. The picture was of me and Cherry when we went to the Zoo with her family. We were feeding the giraffes when Jamia took it, and the giraffe had licked Cherry’s hand, resulting in a terrified face on her and me laughing at her. 

I pulled the picture out of the frame and folded it up before sliding it into my front pocket on my jeans. I just needed to get out of here, but an officer stopped me before I could leave. 

I answered some questions and gathered what was left of my things before getting back in my car and driving to the only place that I had to go. I was hoping that my girlfriend would answer the door, but instead I got her sister.

“Oh, what are you doing here?” she asked me sourly. I must’ve looked pathetic to her, with my makeup smeared down my face and my eyes puffy from crying. 

“Can I just see Cherry please?”  I didn’t want to deal with her right now. She rolled her eyes and walked away, leaving the door open so I could enter. 

I closed it behind me and ran up to my girlfriend’s room where I could here her blasting  Tornado by X-Ray Proximity. I didn’t even knock, I just walked over and collapsed onto her bed, dropping my bag of things on the floor. 

“Bee? What’s wrong?!” She frantically rushed over to me and pulled me up so that I wasn’t burying my face in her blankets. I twisted myself around so that I was laying over her lap. As soon as I saw those enticing hazel orbs, my mood was brightened. I smiled up at her as best as I could. 

“My apartment got  robbed.” I looked away from her. “They destroyed everything.” She sighed. 

“You can stay here for now. I don’t think my parents will mind. They love you.” I smiled. It was true, her parents treated me as if I was their own child. Shit.

“My dad’s coming here today!” I say, sitting up too quickly at the sudden realization and falling off of the bed. Cherry giggled and joined me on the floor, straddling me so I couldn’t get up.

“Relax, he’s gonna love you, I promise.” She whispered the words into my ear, her breath hot on my skin. “I could help you relax, ya know.” I laughed and pushed her off of me.

“You’re a horny little thing aren’t you?” 

“Yup, just like her dad.” We both jumped away from each other, making the two men that were standing in the doorway. 

They were both familiar, but in different ways. One was my girlfriend’s father, and one was someone that I’ve seen in the mirror in myself everyday. 

“Dad?” I breath, my eyes widening at the sight of the man that I’ve missed since I was four years old. 

Frank left, followed by Cherry after she gave my dad a brief hug and they closed the door bhind them. I was now standing, facing him, waiting for something to happen. I had spoken to him over the phone, but now I didn’t know what to do or say. Thankfully, he spoke first.

“H-Hey Bee.” That’s all it took for me to close the space between us and engulf him in a desperate  hug that he returned. 

“I missed you so much.” I was sobbing into his shoulder. 

“I missed you too Bandit. I missed you too.”


I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN FOREVER!!!! And it's kinda short. I had terrible writer's block, but I think it's over now, so it shouldn't take me a month to update (unless i cant get to the interwebs) 

THANK YOU! reading this story and for getting on my ass about updating because if you didn't, I probably would never update.  THANKS!!!


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