3. Coming out

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I decided that i would just upload another part. I cant leave this one unfinished... It would drive me crazy.



I walked through the door of my two story house and tossed mine and Bandit’s bags to the side, I would give hers back at school tomorrow, and walked into the kitchen. I had tried to push the gravestone incident out of my mind. It was just a coincident right? Bandit’s last name is Leeway, and Gee’s last name is just Way.

I found Lily sitting at the island in the kitchen on her phone, and my mom was laboring over the dirty dishes in the sink. I walked over to her and pulled her away from the sink.

“I’ll wash them Mom,” I say, grabbing a plate and scrubbing at the leftover food with a rough sponge.

“Thank you, C,” she says back, stepping back. “It’s nice to know that someone is willing to help out around here.” She directed the statement towards my lazy twin. “Where were you Cherry?” she asked me. I shrugged.

“I went to the cemetery before coming home.” I heard Lily scoff.

“Of course you would go somewhere creepy like the cemetery. This is why everybody thinks you’re a freak,” she says. 

“Lily!” My mom says, shocked. “Don’t speak to your sister that way.” I just rolled my eyes. I knew that she would never except me, but it still hurt to know that my own twin hated me.

I finished rinsing the last bowl and set it on the rack to dry. Then I turned to my mom.

“Where’s Dad?” I asked.

“He took the dogs for a walk, he should be back any minute.” I nodded and took a seat at the island. “What’s going on?” she asked, suspicious.

“I just really need to tell you guys something,” I say, sighing and resting my cheek against my fist. I wanted to tell them that I was most definitely not straight because I needed to know if they would except me. 

“Well, you can tell me,” she says coaxingly. I smile warmly at my mother and shake my head.

“I’d rather tell all of you at the same time.” She nods understandingly. I hear the front door open and our two dogs come bounding into the kitchen, tails wagging and tongues hanging out of their mouths. 

“James,” I hear my dad call from the entryway. My heartbeat quickens and my palms get sweaty as I get closer to telling my family that I am attractive to the same gender as me. “Who’s backpack is this?” I tense up. I forgot I had brought Bandit’s bag home with me. 

He walked into the kitchen and smiled when he laid eyes on my mom. When the two looked at each other, all you could see is pure love. I wish I could one day be in a relationship as strong as theirs. 

He wrapped his arm around her waist and pecked her on the nose. They were both about the same height, and compared to other people, they were extremely short. And what happens when you have two short parents? You get two short twins.

“Frank,” my mom says. “Cherry has something important to tell us.” I swallow hard. No teenager want to tell their parents that they’re gay, and I was no exception. My dad looked at me and raised his eyebrows questioningly.

“Um…” I start, trying to find the words to describe exactly what I wanted to say without being forward. I gave up quickly and simply said, “I’m gay.” My mom just raised her eyebrows, my dad smiled warmly, and I got the biggest reaction from my sister.

“WHAT?!?!?!” she screamed standing up and walking in front of me. “You cant be gay! Do you know how much I’m gonna get made fun of for having a gay sister?!” she turned to our parents. “Please tell her that she cant!” 

“We cant decide that for her,” Mom said calmly. “If she likes girls, we cant change that.” Lily let out a frustrated scream, stomped her foot and ran upstairs to her room, but not before screaming that I was ruining her life. I sighed I guess that not everyone I loved would except me.

My dad gave me an apologetic look. “Don’t worry about her.” he said. Then he smiled. “Homophobia is gay anyway.” I laughed at the statement that my dad had always used when we were younger and hugged him. Mom quickly joined in. 

“So you guys don’t mind?” I ask, pulling away from their embrace. 

“Of course not.” I smiled at them. My dad leaned forward and smirked. “So who’s the lucky girl?” I felt my entire face heat up and I looked at the ground.

“Um…” I start. My dad raised his eyebrows. “I don’t think she really likes me back.” I mumble, not taking my eyes off of the tiled floor. 

“Is that why you went to the cemetery?” I looked up at my mom and nodded. “Tell us what happened.”

I sighed. “Well, she asked me to come with her to the cemetery so she could teach me how to draw, and we ended up getting close and kissing. And, then she pulled away and just ran. She looked confused, and scared, and I don’t really know what happened.” 

“Did she kiss you back?” I looked at my dad and nodded. “Was she good?” 

“Frank!” My mom gasped, smacking my dad’s arm. He put up his hands in defense.

“Sorry! I was just trying to get some information on the girl that could potentially date my daughter.” He looked down at me again. “Is that her bag?” I nodded again.

“Yeah, she kind of just took off. She forgot her things on the mausoleum steps.” My dad gave me an understanding smile. “She doesn’t like me, does she?” I say, looking at the floor.

“I think she likes you,” I look up at my father. His voice is comforting, and his eyes are soft. “She’s probably been hurt before, so she’s trying not to fall for you.” I manage a small smile at this. “Just give her time.”

“Okay,” I say, smiling at the surprisingly probable new perspective. “I will.” He gives me a warm smile and pulls me in for a hug. “Thanks Daddy,” I say with my face buried in his shoulder so it comes out muffled.

“No problem,” he says, pulling away and smiling down at me, yeah, down. I’m shorter than my 5’4’’ dad, what of it? “Now, do we get to know her name?

“Bandit,” I say, not thinking anything of it. His expression turns to pain, and I remember the gravestone. They shared the same first name, and it brought back bad memories to my dad.

He seems to recover and brushes it off before questioning me further.

“How old is she?” I swallow hard before answering.

“Um, eighteen,” He raised an eyebrow and smirked.

“You like the older ones do ya?” I blushed hard and covered my face.

“Frank, leave her alone,” I sent a thankful glance up to my mom and took off out of the room, racing up the stairs to my room. I closed the doors and walked over to my iPod dock, pressing shuffle, and hearing the song Ghost Of You, by my dad’s late band, flow through the speakers. I turned up the volume and let myself fall back onto my bed. 

I stared up at the band posters that littered my ceiling before closing my eyes and remembering the kiss. It was my first kiss, and it was perfect. I smiled at the thought. I would talk to Bandit tomorrow, and I would ask her out. My small smile turned into a grin as I let my thoughts drift to black hair, hazel eyes and soft lips.

Bandit Lee and Cherry Iero (My Chemical Romance Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now