20. Happy Anniversary

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Hello Goblins!!

It's four in the morning, and I think I've made you wait long enough. (Also, I really wanted to post this since I was updating other stories of mine.)

Speaking of other stories, I want to do some shameless self-promoting before you read this and hate me and tell you guys that if you liked this story, which I really hope you do if you've read this far, that I have another MCR fan-fic that I started called 'Heaven Help Us'. It is a Gerard Way fan fiction. So go check that out if you're interested! Yay!

Also, this is the last chapter, but there is still an epilogue that I will most likely post later today, so be expecting that.

Okay, I won't keep you any longer. Thank you for reading!

Until Next Time, Shriek.



I sat on the couch, notebook in hand, scrawling out song lyrics, waiting for Cherry to get home from the record store. She has been working in that same record store since just after we met, and now she practically ran the thing. 

Currently, I was stuck on this one part in this song, and it’s been bugging me for the past week. I just needed a few really good lines, but everything I wrote out was crap. I was determined that I would finish it today though, so I could sing it to Cherry when she got home. Tonight was our anniversary, and this was supposed to be her anniversary present. I just needed a little more inspiration, and for that, I needed my wife.

Great job waiting until the last minute, Bee. I already had a nice, romantic dinner set up with roses and candles all over the place as well as a bunch of deliciously fancy food that took me all day to cook. If the song thing failed, I wouldn’t be  doomed. But, I still wanted to finish the song.

A knock at the door startled me back into reality. I had to check the time on my phone just to make sure Cherry wasn’t home already. I was nearly slapping myself when it occurred to me that she would’ve just barged in here like she owned the place instead of knocking. Well, I mean, she did live here, and she did own it, but still. She would just barge into anyone’s house. That’s just how she is. 

I sighed and set my notebook down on the coffee table, now extremely curious as to who the fuck was interrupting my song writing time. That was my time to myself as I tried to make a good present for my wife on our anniversary, and I didn’t need anyone distracting me. 

I swung it open, ready to give whoever was disrupting me a whole lot of shit for doing so, but my mouth quickly shut itself when I saw that it was a police officer. A very grim looking police officer. Every terrible circumstance ran it’s way through my head at that very moment, and I prayed that he had the wrong address.

“M-May I help you?” I asked, unwillingly stuttering and kicking myself for it. The scruffy man looked at me with that stupid, terrifyingly sad look on his aged face.

“Are you Mrs. Bandit Iero-Way?” I nod skeptically, and a wave of even more terrible thoughts crashed through my head when I realized that he did, in fact, have the right house. Why the fuck was he here. I couldn’t handle this stress right now. I had to finish Cherry’s song, and I was sure that I did not want to hear whatever bad news that he was about to give me. 

Whatever it was, it sure did take him long enough to fucking figure out just how to tell me.

“I’m so sorry,” he said, not really making full on eye contact with me until he told me the thing that would haunt me and torture me until the day that I died. “There’s been an accident involving  a drunk driver and your wife, Cherry. Both cars were totaled, and neither of them survived the crash.” 

Bandit Lee and Cherry Iero (My Chemical Romance Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now