Chapter 1

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(This chapter might be offensive so yea I'm bi I'm not a homophobe)

(BTW POV means Point Of View good damn byeeeeeee)

(Daniel POV)

"Troye! Hey Fag! Take your stupid fag boyfriend and get out! And take Daniel with you! He's probably got your gay diseases all over this house!" My dad screamed at us. I started walking out the door in tears.

"I wish I never had you two!!!!" My mom yelled. That stung like a knife. I whipped around in tears and ran into Troye's arms.....

"You know what? Fine! I was going to get emancipated today with Con anyways!!" Troye replied in complete disgust by his parents.

"Please don't leave me Troye Troyeeeeeeeeee!" I sobbed into his shirt. My parents left the house and drove away. The three of us sat down on the floor.

"I'm not gonna leave you Dani boy! You can come and live with me and Connie okay?" Troye laughed. Connor started laughing and kissed Troye's head. Then he hugged me, got up and walked upstairs.

"Okay......Troye, I'm gonna go pack Dani and ours stuff okay?" Connor yelled down the steps.

"Okay!" Troye replied. "Okay well, hey Danny boy I'm gonna make us some lunch. Why don't you go play outside?" My brother asked.

"KK I wuv you!" I hugged his legs and went into the little forest in my backyard. I'm sure gonna miss this place.

(Joey POV)

******** Next Day********

I hopped down the stairs to go get some apple juice and cookies for me and my stuffed animals. We were going to have a tea party! When I walked into the kitchen I saw my sister Nicole standing there.

"Hi Nikki!" I greeted her.

"Whatever you piece of white trash!" She screamed back. Wow rude much? I dropped the food I was holding on the counter and ran outside and sat down on the back porch.

"Why does everyone hate me?" I sobbed. My mom stumbled out the door.

"It's okay Jo Jo I wuvvvvvv youuuuuu!" She reached to hug me. I could smell the stench of alcohol on her breath. I pulled away from her and ran upstairs as fast as I possibly could. I knocked Nicole over in the process. I flopped on my bed after closing the door. Then I grabbed my pink bunny.

"When will I get my real mom back Daniel (Just deal with it)?" I asked the animal. What could I do to make the pain go away? I thought to myself. I walked slowly into my parent's bathroom and looked around the small yellowing room.

"Maybe I could do something with that razor?" I mumbled. I took the blade out and sat on the floor. I made a deep cut into my arm and saw the crimson liquid run slowly down my arm...

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