Chapter 6 - The Adventure Awaits

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(Joey POV)

I woke up and looked around the room. I was sleeping in my bedroom and I felt a pair of strong arms holding me. It was Daniel. Today is Monday, the day where I will probably get my ass kicked by some bullies. I think that text was from Ricky....... No matter what happens, I have Daniel.... I still haven't found out what he was hiding from me though. I got out of his grip on my waist and got dressed. Then I took a shower and went downstairs. Then I heard someone yell from upstairs. I sprinted up the steps and I saw Daniel crouching against the wall. His beautiful jade eyes were red and there were fangs in his teeth. Oh god...........was Daniel a vampire? Then I saw his claws. I slowly walked up the stairs and peeked around the corner. I saw white feathers. Is an Angel here?

"So arc angel decided you wanted to try and kill me? You know you can't, you aren't at you're full strength really think you can kill a demon prince? I will not let you hurt Joey!!!!! Don't even try!!!!" Daniel yelled.

"Watch me!!!!!" I heard Nicole scream. I ran out from the wall and stood in front of Daniel.

"You will not hurt him" I growled. Daniel pulled me down and hugged me.

"Joey why did you do that? I am supposed to protect YOU!" Daniel questioned. His eyes slowly returned to a jade color and his fangs and claws went away. I looked the at the window and it was standing open, there was a white feather sitting on the window sill. I looked back at Daniel he was looking at me, tears in his eyes.

"Daniel I'm sorry, I was just making sure you didn't get hurt," I whispered, my breath shaky.

"You don't understand Joey.....I was willing to die for you there! But you tried to save me! Your sister is evil.......I-I w-was trying t-to s-s-save you! I would kill myself if you got hurt!" Daniel sobbed.

"Daniel.....I don't understand.......who are you?" I pressed.

(Daniel POV)

I told him the whole story and we went downstairs and sat on the couch.

"Daniel!!!!! We're going to be late for school!!!!" Joey screamed. I started laughing and kissed his forehead. I picked him up and carried him out the door.

"Put me down pig!" He yelled. I laughed and put him down. We walked to school and went into the main office.

"How might I help you boys?" The main office lady asked. I looked at the time and then I looked at Joey, he was staring at me. I blushed and looked away.

"Well we both need passes to our first class," I answered.

"Okay what are your names?" She asked.

"Joey Graceffa and Daniel Preda," I replied. She gave us our passes and we walked off.

(Joey POV)

We were walking down the hallway and I grabbed Daniel's hand. He stopped and pulled his hand out of mine.

"Daniel what's wrong?" I asked sweetly.

"Joey! I'm not out to people yet! I don't want people saying things or being rude to me!" He whisper yelled.

"You know what Daniel? That's fine! Come and talk to my when you finally except you're wimp-ass self!" I screamed. I started walking away and he grabbed my arm.

"Save it Daniel!" I yelled. I yanked my wrist out of his strong hold and sprinted to the class room. I gave Mr. Ranard my pass and went to the computers to work on my project. We had assigned seats and the teacher put me next to Daniel and this other girl named Taylor. She is very nice most of the time but she can be a bitch. Daniel told me who she really is. Her real name is Rosaleene Crimson, she is Satan and she is also Daniel's cousin. She has silver hair and blue-green eyes. Her parents are the royal family of the Shadow kindom, her daughter also goes to this school her human name is Jade but her real name is Athena. (Wooo shoutout to my besti Jaaddeeee!!!! Jade if you are reading this, THIS IS YOUR FATHER ROSALEENE SPEAKING TEXT MEH ON KIK ATHENA!!!!!). (Okay back to the story!!!!)

"Hey Joey, what's wrong?" Taylor asked as I sat down. I must have been crying I guess.

"I'm fine Rosaleene" I replied. Her eyes got wide.

"How d-did y-you know that!?" She gasped.

"Daniel told me." I answered flatly.

"Where is he?" She asked. I felt my eyes start to get teary and I looked down. Just then the door squeaked open and Daniel walked in, tears streaming down his face. I frowned and looked back at my computer. He sat down next to me and the whole classroom got real quiet. I felt a tear roll down my face and I quickly wiped it away. Everyone was looking at the three of us. Daniel grumbled something under his breath. Suddenly Taylor got up, walked over to Daniel, slapped him and sat back in her chair. That definitely got a few gasps from the class.

"I don't know what the hell you did to Joey young Prince, but don't do it again!" She shouted. Mr. Ranard walked over.

"Is there a problem here?" He asked in a bored voice.

"Actually yes, we have a few, but those one can fix." I replied very sternly. Everyone in the room looked stunned, except for Taylor. Her eyes went red, the tips of her long hair turned black and claws sharper than Daniel's grew. She looked at the teacher. Something burned in her cold eyes. The look of death, wisdom, and absolute rage.

"I shall take both of them to the counseling office." She nodded at the teacher. Daniel had turned into his demon form as well. I slid my tongue across my own teeth and felt two razor sharp fangs. Damn I must be in mine too. The three of us looked at Mr. Ranard and he hid behind his desk in fear.

"Can you two control your fangs? People are starting to stare!" Taylor snapped and then we all returned to normal. Daniel looked at me with longing eyes.

"Joey listen I-" Daniel started.

"Save it" I growled.

"Yea Ciel (black butler reference #1) no one needs to hear it!" Taylor chimed in.

"Who are you people?" a boy asked.

"Well you see, I am just one hell of a 7th grader" Taylor laughed.

(Daniel POV)

I pulled out my phone and texted Rosaleene.

D: Tell Joey about me

T: what do you mean?

D: like about us

T: after we go k?

D: fine 😜😘🌈🌈🌈🌈

T: 💖💚💚💜💜💓💔💕💖💗💘💝💞💟

"Alright boys let's go," Rosaleene said. We started walking down the hall and Joey grabbed my hand. I leaned in and kissed him we stopped walking.

"I'm sorry Joey, I love you" I whispered.

"Me too, I'm sorry I snapped. I can't make you be comfortable with yourself," he replied. We shared a short passionate kiss and I looked down at him.

"Thank you Joe bear" I sighed. I lifted up my head and realized we were alone. I let go of Joey's hand. I got distracted and then I heard a loud bang next to me. Joey was slumped on the floor with blood on his head and the locker behind him. Then everything went black.

A/N if you got the two black butler references I will marry you.💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈💖🌈

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