Chapter 8 - Graduation

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(I don't know what anime that was from so yea. but its very Rosaleene tho 😘😘😘😘😘)

(Joey POV)

I woke up on my couch with Daniel and Rosaleene. I got up and went to the bathroom to put bandages on. I had so many scratches and bruises from that dick face. I finished and went back into the living room and found Dani still asleep on the couch and saw Rosaleene makin waffles.

"Joey we have to get you out of this house, it's not safe," She stated as I walked in and sat down on a bar stool.

"I could always go live with Dani," I pointed out.

"Yea we could all live with Con-da-bon and Troye," she laughed.

"That would work, hey Rosaleene? What's Daniel's real name?" I asked.

"Ciel BlackRose, mine is Rosaleene Crimson and your name is Riuk (re-ook) Kuran," She said flatly.

"I like that, Riuk Kuran,sounds cool" I laughed. She sat down at the kitchen table and I went to wake Daniela up.

"Hey, Dani boi! Wake up!" I shouted jumping on top of him. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me. We both smiled.

"Only since you woke me," he whispered in my ear. I got chills and then walked into the kitchen. Daniel followed. There was silence for awhile and then Rosaleene broke it.

"Okay this time I'm not letting you two out of my sight! And remember, in public always use your human names!!!!!" Ros-Taylor replied. We finished breakfast and walked into school as a group. I walked into TechEd and sat down in my chair. Everyone stared at us, we ignored them and continued with the rest of the day.

**********Huge Time skip to 8th grade graduation************

(Joey POV)

I now live in Daniel's house with Taylor, since she was homeless. We are all learning more about our home kingdoms.

"You guys ready?" Connor called upstairs. Daniel was changing in the bathroom and I was changing in our room. I was wearing a Maroon suit and fixing my silver studded bowtie when Daniel came out. He looked at my outfit and smirked.

"Hello Mr.Sexy" He said while fixing his tie. He was wearing his black blazer with a gold studded tie and we were both wearing black dress shoes.

"Well hello Mr.Hotness! Btw we look badass," I replied. We both laughed and walked downstairs. Connor and Troye both looked at us.

"Janiel is here!!!!! Now we just need the queen!!!!!!!" Troye shouted.

"I'm coming! Jesus, just wait!!!!!" I heard Taylor shout down the stairs. I held Daniel's hand and kissed his cheek. Then Taylor walked downstairs. Her hair was in a braided crown with iridescent crystals, she was wearing a long red dress, and she was wearing black heels. Troy and Connor immediately started fangirling. We all laughed and headed outside to the limmo I ordered. We were the popular people in school since this year. But there is two groups the bitches and the demons well that's what they're called. We are the demons. We step out and everyone tries to talk to us. We push through and go where the teachers say.

*Skip to the part in ceremony where they say the names of all the students*

(Daniel POV)

Connor and Troye were sitting in the audience and we were on the gym floor in our designated rows. Joey was on my left, Taylor was on my right and next to her was Jade, her daughter/girlfriend.

"When your name is said please stand, hold your applause till the end," The principal said. They said all the names accept for us.

"And finally our honor students, Jade Gray, Taylor Lawrence, Joseph Graceffa, and Daniel Preda," the whole gym cheered.

"Ladies, and Gentleman I present to you, the 8th grade class of 2016!" The principal shouted over the noise. The crowed erupted as they let the four of us go first. We stood outside and took pictures with people. And then.......the bitches walked up. Their salty group of evil people consisted of Ashley, Lydia, Nadyia, and many more bitches. They looked at Taylor...and oh god Taylor looked absolutely enraged.

"O septem regin-" Jade cut her off.

"Not here father," she calmed Taylor down. The bitches looked at me and Joey, they all grinned at him.

"Hey Josephine, I can't remember that fag's name standing next to you. Was it Daniella?" Lydia sneered. Joey turned into a demon and lunged at her, but then a white feathered wing stopped him, it was Ashley... She smirked and pushed Joey back, I caught him before he hit the ground.

"Joey! Omg are you okay?" I asked as I kissed his head, he laughed and slipped back to normal. The bitches left and we all walked home.

************ At home ***********

(Joey POV)

After the ceremony we all sat down on the couch and talked about our year.

"Father, can I live with you?" Jade asked Taylor when it was quiet. We all laughed and Dani and I looked at each other. He kissed my head and I looked back at the girls. Taylor looked at Connor and Troye...

"Well you will have to talk to Troye and Connor about that," She replied. Everyone looked at Tronnor (Troye and Connor btw).

"Are you fucking kidding me? Four demons in one house?!? Noooppeee," Connor immediately shot the idea down. Forgot up and sat down on his lapm He whispered something in Connor's ear. Connor's eyes got wide as he looked at the small boy sitting on his lap.

"Are you sure babe?" Connor quietly asked, Troye nodded and they both smiled. Connor looked at us and nodded, we all cheered. (If you were wondering what Troye said it would be like I will suck you later if you do or somethin like dat).

"Troye this means we have four kids!" Connor said, surprised. Daniel laughed and the two of us headed to our room.

"Wow, I can't believe we will be in high school!" Daniel exclaimed as we started getting ready for bed.

"I'm glad I got to spend my last year of middle school with you," I replied in a soothing voice. Daniel smirked and looked over at me.

"Awe that's sweeeeeeet," he giggled, and bent down to kiss me. I got my face close to his and kissed his cheek.

"Ugh Joseph I'm gonna get uuuuuu," he yelled. I flew into the bed and hid under the covers. Suddenly the cover flew off and Daniel jumped on top of me. He looked at me and his beautiful green eyes turned red.....

A/N hey shadowsssss!!!! Sorry I took so long to make this luv ya tho I was busy cause I just came out to my mom....that went well (jk it was baaaaad). Btw I am Rosaleene if ya haven't figured that out yet and Athena is my gf Jade-Damn-anya. K wuv u guys byeeeee 😘😘😘😘😘😘

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