Chapter 7 - Step Into the Darkness

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Trigger warning

(Rosaleene would look like that)

(Rosaleene POV)

We were walking down the hallway to go to the counseling office and then I turned a corner and the office was right there. I turned around to hold the door for Joey and Daniel, but when I turned they weren't there. Then I heard two loud crashes........

"Ciel, Joey!!!! Are you there?" I screamed and ran out into the hall. I saw blood on the lockers. Two huge spots were on opposite sides of the narrow hallway. I looked over to the window and there was a white feather sitting on the ledge. That damn angel came and walked all over my plan to keep the boys safe! I felt myself slip into my true form. The more skilled your demon powers, the harder it is to keep your human form consistent. Just then, I got a text.

From: Unknown

Hey Rosie! If you want em back, you'll have to find me!!!!!! 😘💋

I grumbled and shoved my phone back in my pocket. If I was
A bitch, where would I hide? Probably in one of the old abandoned asylums. No one would dare enter that place, with the curse that my mother put on it? No way..... Anyone that was human and went in there, would spontaneously combust. I ran all the way to the old Asylum. On the sign it said Phantomheive Mental Hospital. I walked into the dark building and went to the top floor, at the end of the hall there was a light shining from under the door. I walked, more like crawled to the entrance of the room. I peeked in a small window to the room,I was absolutely horrified at what i saw. Daniel was tied up to a chair, knocked out. Joey was on the other side of the room, was chained to a wall, naked and bloody. Oh.........Fuck........was Joey just raped?!

(Daniel POV)

I woke up in a chair, Joey was across the room in another chair.

"I'm so sorry this happened to us Jo Jo, I love you." I said. He slowly looked at me.

"I love you too Dani boi no matter what happens," he finally said. Suddenly the door opened, an Angel walked in with a mask on and only wearing shorts. I couldn't sense an aura, he must be one of Nicole's pets.

"Now Daniel, I want you awake for this! So then I guess I won't kill you yet!" He barked. He strolled over to Joey and roughly untied him, took off his clothes and chained him to a wall. What I saw next made one single tear roll down my face...

(Joey POV)

I looked over at Daniel, and a tear fell to the floor and I whimpered. The man took off his clothes and stared at me.

"If you don't let me fuck you hard, then I will kill princess over there," he pointed to Daniel.

"Joey, please don't!!! I love you to much to see you get hurt!" Daniel protested. I can't let him hurt the other half of my life so I let him. I winced in pain every time he did anything. He came inside of me then pulled out one last time. He put his clothes on and faced Daniel who was sobbing.

"You know I would do the same to you young Prince, but it was just too much fun watching you cry, so I won't" he snickered. I couldn't protest so I was helpless. He walked closer to Daniel.

"Don't even think about it!" Daniel shouted.

"I don't make promises Daniiii!" The mad man giggled. He got out a baseball bat and started beating Daniel. One final blow to the head, and Daniel was out. The Angel left the room. I started sobbing quietly and then stopped when I heard rustling outside the door.

(Unknown POV)

So she has come to crash our little game? Well that was a mistake. They are my toys now!

(Rosaleene POV)

I opened the door slowly and made eye contact with Joey. He smiled sadly through the gag and I returned the smile. I walked in and set him free. He collapsed quietly to the ground. I crawled over to Daniel and woke him up then I untied him. I took off my huge sweatshirt and gave it to Joey. I opened the door further and saw the mysterious figure. He took off his mask.

"Why hello there, Princess Rosaleene Crimson! It's a honor to have a pure-blood vampire-demon hybrid come to our little play date! I'm afraid you can't have my dolls though," the Angel replied glancing behind me. I heard Joey and Daniel gasp.

"Ricky!?!?" They said in unison.

"You will not hurt Joey anymore!" Daniel shouted. The three of us slipped into demon form again.

"This low life Angel slime isn't even an arc Angel, so he can't do much to you guys" I laughed. I made a fist in front of my chest and prepared to pull out my demon sword.

"O septem reginae. Da fortitudinem tuam servo et patriam defendere regnum meum, et cognatio mea novissima!" I said in latin and the sword slowly came out of my chest. I got into my fighting stance and prepared to end his pitiful life. He looked terrified and backed up against the wall. I made it fast and ran at his heart. He slumped down onto the floor and he turned to ash. I put my sword back in and looked at the boys.

"Joey what did he do to you?" I asked. Tears filled his eyes and he looked away. Daniel kissed him and hugged his small figure.

"We shouldn't talk about this right now," Daniel replied. We agreed and slipped back into human form, as a group we walked back to Joey's house. We all fell asleep on the couch.

(A/N congrats if you caught the anime references in this part!!!! 😘😘😘😘🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈)

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