Chapter 12 - more shit goes down

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A/N hai please vote and comment down beeelow ALSOO TELL MEH IF U LIKE DA PICTURES that's me btw okay fam let's get back to da story😆😘😜💘

(Daniel POV)

Today was the first time I cried since I thought Troye was going to leave me with my parents...The thought of looking Rosaleene my only cousin makes me want to throw up, she has been my best friend since like ever. I picked up her lifeless body and called an ambulance, they arrived and took her away. I heard a small sniffle beside me. It was my beautiful boyfriend...Joey looked up at me and started sobbing
"D-Danny I'm so-o s-sorry I should've been th-there please don't hate me," he said between sobs. When he said that my heart cracked a little. I held him close to me a humanly possible and he calmed down some.

"Shh Joey it's alright I'm here. I will never hate you I'm just glad your safe...I love you very much" I whispered to him he looked at me and smiled.

"I love you very very much too" Joey giggled. And with that we followed everyone out of the house.

---------AT ZE HOSPITALLL--------

(Rosaleene POV)

I woke up to find myself in a gloomy, dark castle and sat up to realize I was on the floor, people were walking briskly around me. This place is so....familiar? I questioned myself. I walked down a long corridor to enter a large room with dark red walls.

"I know this's my....home" I whispered. Just then a girl with flame colored hair walked by in the least amount of clothing as humanly possible. She looked at me and winked, I smiled back. I think I started drooling after she left. As I moved a little deeper into (the pussy) the room I saw three thrones, the one on the left had a small rose and a beautiful ruby and diamond crown. The one in the middle was empty and the one on the right was filled with black roses and on the top of the seat was a picture I strolled over to get a closer look. She looked like me but older and way prettier. She looked like......

A/N And cut! Okay so I know this one is short but I have plans people. There will be smut sooooooon but chall have to wait!!😘😘💘😘

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