Chapter 9 - Hunted

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(Daniel POV)

Joey ran to the bed and flew under the covers. I walked over and flung them off. Then I jumped on him, and turned into my real self. I looked at him, and licked his neck. He shivered below me, my fangs appeared and pierced his flesh, his blood flowed into my mouth. I felt Joey's breathing stop and I pulled away. He licked his blood off of my lips.

"Wow I do taste good," he giggled, I nodded and kissed him lovingly. His hands ran along my chest, I pulled off my shirt and he gasped as he looked at my torso.

"Joey, what's wrong?" I asked. His eyes got watery and I winced as he touched my abs. Joey closed his eyes (okay this spell in English was supposed to say oh seven queens, give me your grace to heal this child of death, and have mercy on the one that wronged them. But when I put it back in English it was all messed up so don't even try going to Google translate k back to the story!!! 😙😙😙😙)

"O septem reginae. Nam petere imperium tuum puero praeter gratiam mortis. Miseretur qui ad iniuriam!" Joey said while almost crying. He pulled his hands away and looked back up at me.

"You had much much pain, I healed you with the healing spell Rosaleene taught us," he replied finally. I hugged him.

"I'm sorry Joey that was from fighting angels a few nights ago," I leaned in to kiss him but something hit the window.

(Rosaleene POV)

I stood outside the door with the sign Janiel on it. We have one with Tonnor too. I am going to make one with Jaylor on it for me and Jade-damn-anya. My demon senses tingled, Joey was doing a spell, the one that I taught him. Only blood mates can do it on each other. There was quiet talking and then a pause. Then a loud crash....

(Joey POV)

Daniel almost kissed me, but something hit the window. He got up and I started to follow.

"Riuk, stay down. I don't want you getting hurt," he said without looking back. He's never called me that does he even know? I really wish he wouldn't call me that. I crouched next to the bed and the door quietly squeaked open. I looked to see who it was, oh it was just Rosaleene and Athena. They silently ran over.

"What the hell was that?" Rosie questioned.

"Well he almost kissed me, but something hit the window," I replied pointing at it.

"An.......Angel," Athena quietly gasped. (Yas bitch da fuq you think it is 😗😗😗😗😗😗 k sorry I had to do that) Daniel ran over and sat down beside me, and pulled me into his lap. I kissed him and slipped into demon form.

"I love matter what," he said. I smiled and looked back at the girls. Athena was on Rosaleene's lap and they were pretty much making out. They both turned into demons and were still going at it. I cleared my throat and they stopped. We all laughed. Rosaleene and Daniel were very powerful and me and Jade were just beginners (lol 😄). We all stood up and prepared for what was going to happen. Rosie got her sword out of her chest, Daniel turned into some super demon thing, Athena was performing a spell to unleash her energy orb thingies and I did a spell to unlock my demon healing staff. We all got into our fighting stances as 3 Angel henchmen busted through the window.

(Jade/Athena POV)

Rosie lunged at one of the angels. He whipped out a sword and a duel started between them.

"Joey, you can help me!" I yelled at him. He nodded and sprinted over. We both charged at the Angel. He was the important one... the healer. I threw a ball of energy into the air at Joey raised his staff and hit it at the bastard, then the Angel turned to ash.

(Daniel POV)

Rosaleene made the final blow and her guy turned to dust. My bitch lunged at me, I grabbed his head and snapped it, he disappeared too. We both sat back to watch Joey and Athena.

"Joey, you can help me!" I heard Athena yell from the other side of the room. They charged and killed the guy with ease. Then we all regrouped, I hugged Joey and he kissed me.

"Great job guys! Wanna go get-" Jade started to say, but Taylor cut her off.

"We aren't done yet!" She exclaimed. I stood in front of Joey, I looked over and Jade was hiding behind Taylor. And then.....The window broke and glass was scattered across the room...

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