Chapter 2

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(Wolf and Storm above)

(Nicole POV)

I don't know why Joey is so upset, I just called him trash... I walked up the stairs to my bedroom to see a little red spot on the carpet in the hall. Joey's bedroom was immediately to the left. cut himself. I knew it! It was all my fault, if I was just nicer to him! This wouldn't have happened. I banged really hard on his door.

"Joseph Michael Graceffa! Open this door!" I yelled. I realized it wasn't locked, so I slowly opened the door and saw Joey with his eyes closed and tears streaming down his face. I ripped off the covers, and held up his arms. They had deep red slashes all the way up his arm. He just stared at me. I broke down.....He is five, why would someone do that to their body?

"J-J-Joey, W-W-W-Why?" I asked between sobs.

"Because no one would care if I was dead that's why!" He snapped.

"Joey I'm so sorry! You're my brother of course I care!" My voice got soft at the end. I hugged him and we went outside to play in the yard.

(Joey POV)

Me and Nicole walked outside to play when we heard the sound of a vehicle stopping across the street. We ran around the front of the house to see two boys around fifteen and one boy about five or six. The boy my age had dark chocolate hair and big jade colored eyes. Yay now I can have a new friend!

(Troye POV)

Today is the day............... Connie, Dani boy and me are gonna move today! We are going to move to a little neighborhood in Boston Massachusetts, we're going to take Connor's family airline the Franta Airways (Wow this is idek). They even let us have one of their private jets, it was all free!

"This is so cool Troye Troye!" Daniel squealed. He is such an adorable brother! I picked him up and swung him around. We had our own little house on a plane!!! They sometimes use it for "Honored Guests"!

"Yea Dani boy it's soy chai latte cool! Soon we're gonna be in Boston!" I exclaimed. Connor walked in the room.

"Soon we will be a family!" He replied. I blushed and sat down in a fluffy chair. Daniel sat on the floor and played with his purple bunny he called Joey (don't you just love meh?).

*After the plane ride*

(Connor POV)

"Hey Daniel, Troye? Got you're stuff ready?" I asked them. They both nodded and we walked off the plane. We took an Uber (I know Uber wasn't made when Joey was little........DEAL WITH IT!!!) to our new home. It was blue and just the right size for a new family. I saw a little girl about 12 and a little boy Daniel"s age come bookin it around the corner. They stopped in what must be their front yard. The little boy crossed the street and came running over to us.

"Hey there what's your name?" I asked smiling. He ignored my question and Daniel and the little boy just stared at each other.

(Joey POV)

He's so..........His eyes.......... His hair!!!! I felt my cheeks get hot and I looked away.

(Daniel POV)

His eyes are so blue! His hair is like caramel! He's so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee!

"H-Hi my name I-Is D-D-D-Daniel" I stuttered. I noticed we were both holding bunnies that look the same except they are different colors.

"That's my bunny's name!" He squealed. "Oh my name is Joey by the way!" Joey smiled. Troye and Connor walked inside and now we were alone. The girl that was with Joey went inside too.

"My bunny's name is Joey!" I giggled.

"Are those guys your dads?" He asked sweetly.

"No, the one with the blue eyes is my brother Troye and the other one is his boyfriend Connor!" I sighed in the middle of a day dream. He laughed and asked if I wanted to go to the park with him.

"Yea lemme go ask first tho!!!!!" I exclaimed. Then I sprinted back inside.

"What's up Dan Dan?" Connor asked while making vegan tacos.

"I wanna go to the park with Joey!!!!" I whined. Connor called Troye downstairs. He explained the situation to him.

"Fine, but I'm going with you!" He laughed. I pulled him outside and saw Joey sitting in the grass with his bunny Daniel.

"Is Troye coming too?" He asked in confusion.

"Yup! He is!" I said looking at Troye. We walked to the park while talking about ourselves.

(Joey POV)

I really like him! He's nice and he's soy latte coooool! We walked over to a little tree house that is pretty much where I live and we sat inside. We talked the rest of the night and then went home. I slowly walked up the stairs and flopped down on my pink bed, then my eyes closed and I fell asleep.

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