Chapter 3 - School

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******They are in 7th grade now******

(Still Joey's POV)

Daniel and I walked into our middle school, for our first day of 7th grade. How do I tell him that I like him? What if he doesn't like me back? We walked to the office to pick up our schedules.

"Hey Dan, lemme see your schedule?" I asked. He was just staring into space beside me. I grabbed his hand, he blushed and snapped out of it. I giggled and he handed me it. He pulled me into a hug and looked at me.

"I'm sorry love, I was just dreaming, about you..." He whispered into my ear. I blushed and pulled away. Great now he made me fall for him even more!

"Oh look! We have all the same classes!" I ignored his comment. I gave the schedule back and we walked to our first class, Engineering Technology with Mr. Ranard. After that we had 2nd period which was gym with Mr. Heald. We were going to our lockers, his was around the corner from mine though. I dropped him off and started to walk to mine. Unfortunately my stupid emo hair got in the way of my face. I was trying to brush it out of my eye when I ran into something hard. I looked at what I ran into........Oh was Ricky Dillon! He is one of the school bullies.

"I'm sorry please don't hurt me!" I whimpered.

"Listen fag, don't go getting your diseases all over me got it!" He yelled in my face. Tears started welling up in my eyes. I tried to run away but he grabbed me and threw me into a locker. I yelped and he laughed and started kicking my side. In one flash I saw a brown haired boy speed around the corner and punch Ricky in the face. Ricky got up and was about to slap Daniel when I stepped in front of him and got the blow instead. I started crying and Daniel hugged me.

"Joey! can't go being the brave one okay? I'm supposed to protect you not the other way around," Daniel said through tears.

"I'm sorry Dani, It's okay, I'm fine now," I calmed.

"No it isn't! He could've killed you! I couldn't loose you! Joey promise me you won't do that again! I lo-" The intercom stopped him. Was he going to say he loved me?

"Would Daniel Preda, Joseph Graceffa, and Ricky Dillon come to the principal's office please?" Said the automatic voice.


The vice principal told us to sit down so I sat next to Daniel and Ricky sat by Daniel. I grabbed Dan's hand under the table and he smiled. That faded when the principal Mr. Hatfield walked in.

(P= Mr. Hatfield, D= Daniel, J= Joey, R= Ricky)

(3rd person)

P: Would you boys like to explain what happened? I was watching the whole thing on the security monitor, so don't lie to me

J: I dropped Daniel off at his locker and I went to mine then I ran into Ricky and he said.........

His voice trailed off and he was in tears. Daniel hugged him, and Daniel finished.

D: I heard Ricky call Joey a fag and I heard him being slammed into a locker. I ran around the corner and saw Ricky beating the crap out of Joey.

R: Well he ran into me!

They watched the footage and the principal suspended Ricky for 4 days. Daniel was thanked by the principal for saving Joey. They got passes and walked to their 3rd hour, math.......with Miss Riha..........

****** After School ******

(Daniel POV)

I walked to Joey's house and he pulled me up to his room. He closed the door behind us and sat on his bed.

"Daniel, thank you for beating the crap out of Ricky. What were you saying before we got called to the office?" He asked looking into my eyes. I looked away and my face turned a deep shade of red. I was going to tell him that I love him. I found out I was gay in 5th grade. Joey came out last year and everyone was so supportive.

"W-Well I was g-going to say that for one I am gay and the other one that I love you. A lot......" I managed to say. He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"I love you too Daniel, will you be my boyfriend?" He asked. I grabbed his face and kissed his lips.

"So I guess that's a yes?" He asked. We both laughed.

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