I need to say somthing...

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Okay so I don't know if y'all know this but I am bisexual I have no idea if I am a lesbian it freaks me out. Recently I have been have really bad anxiety attacks and the thought of coming out to my whole family scares the shiz outta me. I will say one thing tho when I look at guys I'm like oh he's cute but when I look at girls idek. Okay this next thing u guys don't care but I'm gonna say it. Having sex with guys makes me uncomfortable but with girls I'm like okay I like dis. And y'all are probably like omfg dude you are going into 8th grade wth?! My response....I don't care. 😘😘 okay I'm done now bye shadowwwsssss🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈💛💚💜💚💛

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