ChApTeR 11 (The real one)

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S/O Maranda145 😘

A/N Sorry If I made yall mad :P the whole switching back and forth between names is confusing for me to write BUT IM GONNA DO IT ANYWAAAYS >:3 oh also if there is a spelling error tell me in the comments

(Dis is befo the whole arm thing, oh and im sorry this one is short I kinda got bored)

(Taylor POV)

I was sitting on the floor in the hall absolutely bored.

"Why couldn't they make me guard Weston's room or something?!" I grumbled to myself. I walked into the Tronnor room, they were both sleeping so I took a picture silently. I went into my room and jade was on her phone, I sneaked over and kissed her cheek. she smiled and looked up at me.

"Hello gorgeous" she laughed, I smiled and made my way to the door with Janiel on it. I started to walk inside but stopped when I saw Daniel and Joey making out, clearly after just fucking. They stopped and Joey whispers something, Daniel smiled. I smirked and left their room. A few minutes later I felt an angel's presence, then...I looked up.

"Hey Queeniepoo, I've been waiting to see you," it whispered. I couldn't tell if it was a man or woman. Then I was very abruptly thrown against the wall, and then lifted up in the air by my throat. I struggled to get out of its hold, and then Troye, Connor and Athena rushed over looking horrified.

"Please stay back I don't want you guys getting hu-" I got cut off as it punched me in the ribs. I winced in pain.

"O septem reg-" the invisible Angel ripped the sword out of my chest before I could finish my spell. I started coughing up blood, and Athena screamed. I made a sad smile at her but that didn't help, then before I knew it I saw my own sword slice off my right arm. It dropped me and the threw the sword down the hall. Then everything went black...

A/N I hope you guys liked this chapter🐖🐖🐖🐺🐺

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