Chapter 13

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A/N okay shadows let me know if you want me to keep putting in pictures at the top of each chapter...I like doing it but if yall don't like it I'll stop

(Rosaleene POV)

My mother! She looks like my mother...Emmaline May Crimson,vampire and the wife of Satan, my father. This means that I am home! But where's mom? I collapsed on the floor and started sobbing. A door flew open and two maids rushed to help. I read their name tags, Tiffany and Scarlet.

"Miss are you alright?" The girl called Tiffany asked, she had gorgeous blue hair. Scarlet who had black hair with red at the tips picked me up and brushed the hair out of my face.

"Princess Rosaleene, you've returned!" Scarlet gasped.

"Well I don't know. The last thing I remember was my arm being sliced off," I replied and looked down to find that my arm was still missing but I wasn't bleeding anymore. The girls set me down so I was standing and they both stood on either side. The three of us admired the thrones. Suddenly someone stomped into the room.

"How dare you enter the throne room!!" The man's voice bellowed angrily. I froze in fear and he spun me round to face him. My eyes shut tight and I slowly opened them. (In this book satan looks like the satan from The Devil is a Part-Timer! And he's in the picture at the top...he's on the right btw) I immediately started sobbing again and so did the maids.

"Rosie! My favorite daughter!" My dad laughed and hugged me.

"Dad! I missed you so much!! Oh and I'm your only daughter so that was mean." I giggled.

"My Lord, would you like us to leave?" Tiffany asked. Dad nodded and they whispered as they walked off.


S: So why have you returned? Is something wrong on earth?

R: No, I got my arm cut off by an Angel and when i woke up I was here.

S: Rosie....that is a problem do you want me to help you?

R: no dad it's fine....I have a question though.

S: what is it?

R: am I dead?

S: no it is not your time yet darling....oh and btw how are your friends?

R: well Ciel found his mate who is the demon Prince Weston and as you know I found my mate Athena

S: good, alright now it's time to wake up

I nodded and said I was fine with that, and then I woke up...

-Joey, Daniel and Jade are sitting in the waiting room at the hospital-

(Athena POV)

"Guys I'm scared what if something goes wrong or she doesn't wake up?" I whispered to them.

"Well I really don't know..." Joey replied somberly. Daniel sniffled and shrunk down next to him.

(Daniel POV)

Jo Jo kissed my cheek and I enveloped him in my arms.

"Its gonna be alright Dan, I will be here Forever and Always," he sighed.

"I'm so glad we found each other I love you Jo Jo." I sniffled

"And I love you, Danny boy," he giggled and poked my nose.

Forever and Always (Janiel AU) [DONT READ]Where stories live. Discover now