Chapter 4- New Beginnings

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(Connor POV)

Me and Troye just got married last year and tomorrow is our anniversary! Joey's mom just recently died from an alcohol and drug overdose. So he lives with his sister Nicole. Instead of living across the street from us they both decided to move to behind our house because they couldn't bear to live in that house anymore. Our backyards meet and we decided to join our backyards so now it's just one big fenced in area. I plan to take Troye to dinner and then we can go watch the stars under a pretty Cherry Blossom tree in the park. I arranged for Daniel to spend the weekend at Joey's. I'm so glad I am Daniel's legal guardian! I get to watch him go up, and see his journey unfold. The darkness can be such a lonely place on your own. Someone will be his compass so he'll never feel alone.

(Joey POV)

Wow, I just asked the boy I've loved since I was five to be my boyfriend. He said yes.......... I never thought he would though. He hasn't told anyone his was gay yet so this will be fun going to school tomorrow. I haven't either, but first I should tell Nicole. I trust her the most besides Daniel. We both came down stairs and sat on the couch.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I looked at him and asked.

"Only if I pick..." Daniel smirked. I sighed and turned on Netflix. He took the remote and started scrolling. I was really hungry so I got up.

"I'm gonna go make us a snack okay?" I asked. He nodded and I walked into the kitchen.

"Maybe I should just throw some fruits and vegetables together?" I said to myself. I finished and walked back into the living room. Daniel had put blankets and pillows on the floor and was staring at me.

"Well okay...... I was gone for five seconds and you make a full on date!" We both laughed and I sat down on the floor. He picked out Hocus Pocus........Great.

"Dani! I don't wanna watch a scary movie!" I whined. He hugged me and then looked in my eyes. He leaned in like he was going to kiss me so I made my lips like his and I leaned in. Then he pulled away.

"YOU PIG, HOW DARE YOU!" I shouted in my fake British accent. I tackled him to the floor and we stopped. I stared into his eyes as I was on top of him. I leaned down and pecked his lips. Then I rolled off of him. He pouted.

"Joseph what was that for?" He whined. I started laughing and turned on the movie.

(Daniel POV)

Joey stared laughing and turned on the movie. Through the movie he kept moving closer and shivering every time something scary happened. I finally just put him on my lap. He instantly stopped being scared and fell asleep into my arms. How am I going to tell Troye and Con-da-bon (that's the name Joey gave him) that I'm gay? Oh wait they're out this weekend. I giggled quietly. Joey woke up and looked at me.

"What are you laughing at Dani ?" Joey asked in his cute voice.

"I was just thinking that we could do whatever we want over the weekend," I said, eyes full of lust. He looked down and he mumbled something.

"I can't hear you princess" I replied.

"I said I'm not ready for that yet. Daniel we are in 7th grade!" He realized. I hugged him and then I looked into his crystal blue eyes.

"You're right Joey I think we should stick to the kissing for now. I'm sorry," I answered. He leaned in and I leaned in and we shared a passionate kiss until we heard someone unlocking the door. We leaped back to where we were and since the movie was still playing it was good. Nicole walked in and closed the door.

"Hey boys! I brought pizza!" She exclaimed.


"Calm your balls's vegan pizza" she laughed. Joey sat down at their table and I followed. We ate and then went upstairs to Joey's bedroom and we fell asleep on his queen size bed in each others arms.

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