Chapter 5 - Complications

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(Daniel POV)

I woke up the next day to find Joey asleep in my arms and Nicole taking pictures of us. She giggled and walked out the door. I heard a beep and grabbed my phone. Joey stirred beside me and woke up. I smiled down at him and kissed his head.

"Good morning princess" I giggled. He gave me a glare.

"Morning pig!" He laughed and tackled me. This time I landed on top. I reached down and we shared a passionate looooooong kiss. I heard Nicole squeal from the door. We both immediately returned to how we were before.

"H-How long w-were you th-there?" I stuttered.

"Well I heard 'Morning pig'!" She giggled mocking Joey. She walked out of the room. I picked my phone off the floor and looked at the text I got. I gasped and looked at Joey.

"Daniel, what is it?" He questioned. I showed him it.

Listen fag, you and you're stupid ass boyfriend better not come to school on Monday. I have a whole pack of bullies waiting to beat your ass. No matter how much you try to protect Joey, your little secret is bound to snake it's way to him!!! Luv ya 💋💖

"What are you hiding Daniel?" He asked. He looked so mad at me. How the hell was I supposed to tell him that I was a demon? And that we were both destined to be together? I am supposed to be his protector god dammit!

"Joey, I don't have any secrets but I think they are talking about me dating you," I lied. He believed it. I felt so bad, but what was I supposed to do? I love him too much to bring him into a world of fear and pain. It's not my fault that I am the son of Satan! I was adopted by my parents and they hated me from the start. Troye isn't related to me sadly. Well he is my legal guardian. The only people that know who I really am is Troye and me. No one else........... except that all seems to be changing.

(Joey POV)

Daniel is hiding something from me, I should just drop it though. I am probably not supposed to know. I got up from the bed and went and took a shower, then I went to get dressed. I picked out a red flannel shirt, really tight black skinny jeans and black converse. Daniel got up and he was only wearing boxers. I stared at his v-line too long and he came over and wrapped his hands around my waist. He towered over me and he bent down slightly and whispered in my ear.

"I could do terrible things to you princess, but you wanted to take it slow," he giggled and away. He went into the bathroom and closed the door. I grabbed his clothes he packed and opened the door. He was fully naked and facing the mirror doing his hair. My eyes went right to his dick. Okay wow big dick, okay Joey calm down. I felt my pants get tight and I looked down. Okay wonderful..... he turned to me real quick and walked over. He kissed me and pulled away slowly.

"You can stay if you want," he said looking into my eyes.
"Actually I need to stay cause my crystal necklaces are right behind you and I have to style my hair." I explained. He laughed and walked into the shower. I tried to not pay attention to him and I walked over to my necklaces. I found an iridescent one that was perfect. I decided I need a change. Instead of emo let's make my hair like Daniel's!!!!! I made it into a quiff and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Gorgeous!!" I exclaimed. I felt a pair of very muscular arms wrap around my small waist. Daniel leaned down with his face by my ear and I looked at him through the mirror. He truly was beautiful, on the inside and out. Even if he was hiding something from me. I turned around and kissed his perfect face. He got dressed and we walked down the stairs and walked into the living room.

"So how was your make out session boys?" Nicole smirked. Daniel started laughing.

"We didn't make out Nicole!" I yelled. She got up from the couch

"Whatever you say princess, oh and btw Daniel, be more quiet next time you call him that" she snickered. I looked over at Daniel who was so embarrassed. I was probably the same shade of red as him. She laughed and walked out of the room.

(Nicole POV)

Those boys.....of course I know who Daniel really is, I don't like it. How could my sweet brother be dating a demon Prince? He probably doesn't like me either. Me being a grim reaper and Angel mix. My father was the reaper and my mother was the Angel or should I say fallen Angel. Joey is the most precious out of our family. He doesn't have reaper or Angel. He actually has vampire. Surprisingly he is Vampire and Demon Prince. Daniel and Joey are both from different kingdoms. But somehow they were destined to be together, well their aura says so. They both have the same one, that's how we tell who our mates are. (I literally just came up with planning what so ever lol)

(Daniel POV)

I really don't like Nicole. She is a fucking Angel! I bet she loves me too. Whatever me and Joey are destined to be together. Every second I fall deeper and deeper for him. I will protect him till our last dying breaths I love him so much. I would die for him...........

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