Chapter 1

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"Damn babe you dragged me to this party only for you to run off and play ball. You know there is a lot of people here i don't like" i said with frustration. He took my hand in his and kissed it. "You'll be fine love. 1 game, I'll be back. With that being said he jogged off. Leaving me with.... These people.
I walked to the table and grabbed a drink. Strawberry lemonade with some vodka mixed in. Better to be a bit tipsy dealing with these people i thought to myself. "Kelsea is that you, oh my i haven't seen you in forever. THANK GOD". Okay maybe I'll take a couple more cups just to be safe. "Hey julie see you still look the same... Shame. Bye now".
I walked off hoping she wouldn't follow, along with anyone else i despised. Das i hope you're almost done with your game. I want to go to pizza hut and eat lots of bread sticks.
"Attention everyone attention, we are putting in a reminisce video of the birthday girl". Half way through the video, the noise of gun shots exploded. Everyone ran away from the windows. But i had to see what was going on. If Das was hurt.
I walked slowly to the window when the shots stopped. I got there and looked out when 3 bodies fell from i don't know where right on the window. I screamed in shock. the blood oozing from the bodies and dripping down the windows. Everyone started to go crazy.
Running around, screaming panicking. I backed away from the window seeing more and more dead bodies laying around. Blood spilled from their heads and bodies. I busted into tears and fell to my knees. He can't be gone. Please god don't let it be so.
I love him. I then heard someone running, i looked up. I saw him. He was okay. I picked myself up and ran to him and jumped into his arms. I squeezed him tight, thankful he was okay. "I'm okay baby, it's okay. I got you" he said knowing what i had thought. I settled into his arms and finally stopped crying. I released my intense grip on him and kissed him. "I-i thought..." I looked up at him. "I know, it's okay. I got away". I looked at him confused. What happened exactly.
Why would someone do this. Before i could ask him the cops busted through the door. A boy, not sure who he was, pointed at Das. "IT WAS HIM!!!" he yelled. I looked at him, no. "No, there's no way he did it. He wouldn't or even couldn't" i said determined to change their minds. A cop walked close to me. "And you would be?" He said to me his hot breath on my face.
I took a step back and replied with " I'm Kelsea, his girlfriend, you can't take him." The cop eyed me. "Take him away boys". They came at us and my body was too quick for my brain to realize i punched one in the face. Oops. He rubbed the spot i hit. Das giggled behind me. "Uhhh sorry?" I said with a huge smile hoping to lighten the mood.
"Get them both!" Before i knew it Das shoved me out the way and started to fight. Right punch, left punch, kick to the knee. Most definitely breaking it. I saw a cop take out his gun and aim it at Das. I ran and slammed into him knocking it out of his hand. when i stood up Das grabbed my hand and pulled me and we made a run for it. "Babe this seems bad but someone is framing me. people are after us. " das said quickly still pulling me down stairs.
We hid in the bathroom for me to catch my breath. "Who is after us? Why ?" I asked completely confused. "I got a letter threatening us, someone wants us dead. I just disregarded it. Thought it was a prank or something". I looked at him with a look that said really. He put his finger to his lips motioning for me to be quiet. We closed and locked the door and escaped through the window. Got in our challenger and drove quickly away.
"Now what baby?" I looked to him. "Now we run and try to figure out who is behind this and when we do...." He paused. "We kill him" i said finishing his sentence. He looked to me and nodded and took my hands in his. We are now on the run.

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