Chapter 5

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I woke up to only realize we were in the car again. Boy am i gettinf tired of being in this damn car. "Oh hey you're awake i wanted to make a early start. My cousin has a cabin deep in the woods. He goes there during the winter so we can use it for now." I smiled.
Excited to stay in one place for awhile. Especially since it'll be far away from people. I really do love the outdoors as well. " im happy we get to stay in a place for awhile and try to figure everything out" i told him. " He also has horses, he let the neighbor who feeds them during this time know we're coming and you'll take care of them." I squealed with excitement i loved horses. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Perfect place babe thanks for picking it" i told him smiling fully.
When we got there it was a small cute wooden cabin. With logs of wood outside. I assumed there was a fire place inside. To my right their was the barn. I ran to the barn and pulled opened the door. There was 2 horses, both males, one was black and the other white. There names were on the outside of the stales. The black one was named Fighter. I had heard a story about this horse fighting off a mountain lion so i assume they named him after that. The white one was named Tundra.
Das walked in. "Id feel better if you ride Fighter. He'll protect you, he's not scared of anything. Tundra gets spooked easier." He told me. I nodded my head. "I'll ride Tundra close by so he can still be exercised and Fighter ill actually ride like i want. Everyone wins." He nodded and smirked. He came up to me and pushed me against one of the stales. I squirmed getting flash backs. He noticed my distress and let go.
" baby you know i wont hurt you." I sighed. " i know baby i just need some time. I love you." I kissed his cheek and we walked back to the cabin. We unpacked everything and Das finally got to look through that guys stuff. I went to changed into a T-shirt and long jeans. "Im going for a ride babe ill be back." He said okay and i made my way to the barn.
I went into Fighter's stable and began putting the saddle and reins on him. He stood still the entire time. I stroked his soft face and let out a small whinny. I took the reins and walked out of the barn leading him out. "You ready Fighter?" He tossed his head up and neighed. I put the reins back and put my left foot in the foot hold and pulled myself up.
We took off fast into the woods dodging tree and jumping over huge rocks and old fallen down trees. I could feel the wind in my hair and pure freedom i felt at the moment. We came to a clear pasture and he stopped. I trusted him knowing his reputation of being fearless but also him knowing the area better than i did.
We got through the pasture and began bolting through the woods again. We got back and i put him away and took off all the gear. And he came over and nudged me. I stroked his mane. "You're not afraid of anything. I used to be like that. But now im afraid. Im afraid something like that will happen again or ill lose Das" he pounded his hoof to the ground. " so i should just be strong? Wow im talking to a horse." He stood up on his back legs and whinnied loud. "Okay so be strong and have no fear. You know what you're not so bad" i giggled to myself.
I walked out and the barn and stopped at the cabin door. Okay i can do this, have no fear, be strong. You love him and he loves you. I walked in and saw he was still looking through the guys stuff. Looks like he was reading over some papers of his. I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I stripped off the sweaty clothes from my body and got in.
The water was warm and refreshing. I washed my body with strawberry body wash and combed out my hair and did a co-wash to it. I got out and wrapped a towel around me. I went to the tiny kitchen and got a little snack. I usually cook but there was nothing to cook. We'll have to go to the store.
I went back to the bathroom after my snack and brushed my teeth. Put my hair up after applying conditioner. "Don't be a cowered, you've done it with this boy plenty. You've been with him for 2 years. He won't hurt" i looked at myself in the mirror and with that i walked out and dropped the towel.
I snuck behind him and wrapped my arms around him and began kissing his neck. "Mmm baby if you don't stop we're going to have a problem" he practically moaned out. He turned around and saw i was wearing nothing. His eyes got big and bit his lip. "If you like what you see come and get it"

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