Chapter 9

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I woke up on the couch with a blanket over me and food on the table. I went over and dug in immediately. I had 3 pancakes, plate full of eggs and bacon and sausage. I drank down my milk and went back over to the couch and slipped on Das shirt.
I walked into the bedroom and heard whistles from the men tied up. "Ew" i said. Das came out of the bathroom and saw me and looked mad. He pulled me into the bathroom and shut the door.
"Look Missy we have dangerous people in our house. MEN. Put some clothes on." I looked at him stunned but just nodded. He's over protective and knowing I'm carrying his first child probably made it worse.
"I understand but my clothes are in the closet in the bedroom. They're in it. Can't you move them into the extra stalls in the barn?" I suggested. He thought for a moment.
"Sure babe i can do that" he walked out and heard him dealing with that. I turned on the shower and waited for the water to warm up. I took off my shirt, Well Das shirt, and got in.
I washed my body and my hair and got out. I peaked out into the bedroom and saw they were gone. I sighed in relief and laid in bed with my towel wrapped around me. Das walked in and climbed in bed with me.
Laying his head on my stomach and rubbing it. "In this moment, i feel complete" i said. He kissed my belly.
"I can't wait till you get all big and round" he said happily.
I looked at him puzzled.
"Bitch what? I can wait. I won't be able to get up by myself or run. Oh my, i hope this is over soon. I don't want to put our baby at risk" i said almost ready to burst into tears. He pulled me close to him my head on his shoulder.
"Nothing will happen. It'll be over and if it's not. I'll keep you both safe, i promise baby girl. Nothing will happen to you two while I'm around" he wiped the tears from my eyes and kissed my lips then my nose making me smile.
"Baby you never told me what information they told you" i said reminding him.
"Right, well i got a name. Well a letter. Their boss is Mr.J. now I'm not sure who it is yet. But I'm going to check out the address i got. You're staying here. You cannot put our baby at risk. You understand?" just as i was about to protest a plan came to mind.
"I understand baby, I'll stay here like you want" i kissed his cheek and went to the kitchen and got some juice. "Hey babe what are you doing with the prisoners?" I asked curiously. " well i have no use for them and if i let them go they'll either try to kill us again or give their boss information. I'm killing them. Be back in a minute" with that he left. Soon after i heard two gun shots.
I dont know why but that boy being so aggressive and cocky and protective is really turning me on.
Oh no these hormones are already kicking in. Just great. Das walked in and came behind me and hugged me and kissed my shoulder. I shivered, my body seems more sensitive. He giggled and slapped my ass and walked off. I followed him.
He began packing for his trip to this unknown address. I just sat back and watched. Trying not to think of what could happen.
"Are you leaving tonight or in the morning?" I asked. He zipped up the small bag and sat next to down. "In the morning baby, now lay down I'm gonna bring you some food" he said walking away.
We spent the night eating and watching movies. After that i went to sleep until about 7:30. I knew he set his alarm for 7:45 so i hurried. I wrote a note saying i took fighter out for a run and that i loved him and come back safe.
I rushed to his car and opened the trunk and climbed in. The trunk was bent slightly so it didn't close all the way. A crack formed a opening offering air flow and me able to open it.
I found that out when i thought he was cheating on me and i hid in here. Turns out he was just be sneaky about a surprise birthday party for me. Oh well.
This boy is not going without me. I have to make sure he stays safe. I soon heard the car door open and shut. The car started and we were on our way.

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