Chapter 10

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After a lot of bumps and me hitting my head. We finally came to a stop and i heard Das get out the car and walk away. I got out the trunk and into the car where i stashed some clothes.
I changed into a black crop top that came about mid waist. Camouflage pants and my favorite black forces(mid). I got a gun out the glove box where Das always keeps two. One was missing so i figured he took the other with him.
I got out the car and looked at the house. We were parked into the wooded area so we could see them but no way they could see us. I snuck around to the back of the house.
"Big mistakes boys leaving the back door open like that" i whispered and giggled to myself. I got to the door and peaked through. "No guards?" I went through the door and started looking around to see if i could find anything.
"Hey what are you doing? Aye she made it easy. She came to us" a man said. I turned around and swung and he ducked. I smiled "finally a challenge" i said. We went back and forth with punches and kicks. Both of us dodging and getting hit.
"Zzzzzz" last i heard before i fell to the ground. Someone tased me. They dragged me down stairs and put me in a cage. "Hahaha have fun little girl" a man said before walking out. "I'm not little..." I looked around trying to figure out how to get out. Nothing. But I don't see Das so he's okay. Hmmm i wonder if they found my cell phone.
I checked my sock and i was relieved when i found it. I called Das immediately.
"Um babe I'm kinda busy"he whispered.
"Yeah i know but.... Okay well i....snuckintoyourtrunkandcamewithyouandnowimlockedinacagedownstairs" i said quickly.
"Huh?"he responded.
"Ugh I snuck into your trunk and came with you now I'm trapped in a cage down stairs" he giggled at me. "Of course you are. Okay I'll come get you and next time listen to me"he said before hanging up.
I slipped my phone back in my sock and waited for him. When i heard people fighting at the door i figured it was him.
He bursted through the door and ran to the cage and unlocked it. "I'm so getting tired of saving your ass"he told me. Right then i pushed him out of the way from a knife being thrown. "Hm likewise" he rolled his eyes and took my hand and we ran up the stairs.
When we got up a guy hiding to the left punched me in my stomach. I dropped to the floor. Das went insane beating the man to death. He picked me up and carried me all the way to the car and put me into the passenger seat.
"Or do you prefer the trunk"he asked. "Ha ha very funny" he ran around the car and got in the drivers seat and sped out of there.
"Uhmm baby" i said seeing blood all over my pants."baby hold on, i know someone who is a doctor. He'll help" he pushed down on the gas. We must of been going at least 130 MPH. 30 minutes later we arrived at some house.
He ran to the house door and banged on it. A man came to the door. "Aye nigga what up? I thought you were on the run" The man said. "It's my lady. She pregnant and got hit. Blood everywhere." The man eyes got wide. "Hurry bring her in I'll get ready"
Das rushed to me and picked me up and took me quickly inside. "Doc is my baby going to be okay. Is there anything you can even do" he looked at me with sorrow.
"I'm going to pull up an image of your baby on screen. If the baby got hurt i should be able to tell. If he didn't you might be alright" he took some gel... cold i might add and got the machine. He rubbed around looking for my baby.
"Well the blood seems to have stopped" i said. "That's a good sign" Doc said. We waited anxiously.
"Well... the baby seems okay. The blood has stopped and he still in there. You're about three months looking at the size" doc said.
Das turned to me "three months and you ain't know?" I sat up slowly. "Look I'm on birth control and i usually just skip my period anyways. I didn't know" i told him.
He shook his head and we thanked his friend and headed out. We stopped for food twice on our way back and when we entered the cabin i was hungry again.
"Baby I'm hungry again. Will you make me a sandwich?" He looked at me crazy. I pouted and rubbed my stomach. "Ugh fine but I'm going to the store in the morning to buy more food" he said making his way to the kitchen.
I went to shower and lay in bed afterwards. I ate my delicious sandwich and drifted to sleep. But not before hearing Das. "I love you baby girl, sweet dreams" then a light kiss on my forehead.

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