Chapter 18

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What I saw shocked me. Das was tied to a chair under a light. He was covered in blood and scars and gashes all over his body. I ran to him and he seemed to be unconscious. "Baby wake up, its me" I said. He stirred a bit and opened his eyes. "Baby that really you? Or am I dreaming again" he asked. I touched his hand and gave it squeeze. "Its me and we're getting you out of here". I cut the ropes off him and helped him up. We began wobbling to the door when I noticed a table with tools and knives spread out covered in blood. They tortured him. Then the door swung open and it was Jones and his ex-wife selena and lots of body guards. Maybe 10. The dogs instinctively got in front of us and growled and barked and began trying to intimidate them. Even with look like he got hit by a truck Das stood up tall and pushed me behind him. I moved next to him anyways. "What do you want from us" I asked. Selena laughed, hideously I might add. "I thought you were supposed to be smart. You still haven't figured it out yet?" She said. Me and Das looked at her with confusion. Selena sighed "okay let me start from the beginning. I was happy with him and we were doing just fine. Until Das decided to tell him I was trying to get with him and I better stop before you Kelsea did something. Jones left me after that. wouldn't even speak to me. He ruined my happiness and my life. So I decided to ruin yours. I've created a drug so jones will do anything I say and only me. He believes that Das killed our unborn child because he was mad I wouldn't go with him." I clenched my fists. "You crazy ass bitch, why the fuck would you do this over something like that. And you Das why the fuck was I not informed about her trying to get you. All of you will be getting an ass beating." I said angrily. "Really babe? I aint do anything shut your pregnant ass up. And selena get over it and let it go let us go. Kelsea is pregnant have mercy" Das said. Selena shook her head. Das grabbed the gun from my hand and shot every guard. Jones came at him and Das slammed him. I pushed Selena out the way and we ran for it. We got to the truck and I took the wheel. Das and the dogs hoped in on the other side. I turned around and speeded down the road. "Where do you want to go?" I asked. "The cabin. I wanna clean up and heal before we change places." He said. I nodded my head. It would take all night to get back but I gotta do it. It was 8 a.m. when we finally got back. We started back at 4:45 p.m. I helped Das inside and went back and got the rest of the things. I cleaned him up with alcohol and stitched the deep gashes. Honestly it wasn't as bad as it could of been. He should be fine in a week or two. I got him in bed and I went to take a well deserved shower. I took a long one trying to to relax. When I got out Das and king were sleep on the bed and Zeus was laying by the bathroom door. I didn't even bother putting clothes on. Just crawled into bed and laid with Zeus. Until Das pulled me into his body and held me close. "I missed you baby, so much. You're all I thought about and what kept me going. I love you" he whispered in my ear. I smiled and and blushed so hard I felt it. A tear escaped my eyes. "I love you too" with that I got some well deserved sleep. I woke up around 3 in the afternoon. My sleep schedule is going to be extremely messed up. I sat up and realized Das was gone. I got nervous. I got up and ran to the kitchen and he was there making sandwiches. Thank god. I walked over to him. "Good morn-" I cut him off with a long passionate kiss. "Good morning" I said smiling. He looked at me and leaned on the counter. His eyes looked down and back at me with wide eyes. I looked down and noticed his hard on. "Oh no I can't. I'm tired and sore because I'm carrying your baby and you've been tortured. So no sex for awhile" I told him. He pouted at me "fine but lemme see that belly" he said then bent down and began kissing and talking to my belly. He stood up and kissed my forehead. "I hope its a boy" he said. I rubbed my belly and nodded in agreement. I then took a bite of a sandwich. Next thing I knew I was on my fourth one. Das was sitting on the couch watching me. I went over and laid down with my head in his lap. "Don't worry baby, when I get better. Things are going to get bloody. No one will mess with my family anymore" he said.

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