Chapter 16

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"I'm only going to ask this once. Where. Is. My. Boyfriend?" The dogs stayed next to me. Their eyes locked on them growling viciously.
The two men looked at each other in fear. I aimed and fired at one of the mans special parts.
"You're taking too long. WHERE IS HE!" I yelled angrily. The man I shot moaned and groaned in pain. They still remained quiet.
"Okay your funeral" I aimed. "wait! Okay okay. I'll tell you. He's with Dr. J. He's holding him hostage in the abandoned factory on central drive" the other man said.
I knew exactly where that was. I grabbed my bag and packed up some weapons. I called the dogs and we headed for the door.
"You can't just leave us here" one of the men said. oh right. I immediately turned around and shot both in the forehead.
I don't have time for prisoners. Plus I'm pregnant I can't risk them getting loose and hurting me and the baby. We got to the car and got in.
I drove far enough so no one would find me. I pulled over into the woods and parked. I needed to sleep. Its been a long day.
I climbed in the back with King and used him as a pillow. Zeus seemed to get jealous and growled at King. "Come here" he came in the back and laid on my legs.
A bit cramped but I rather not have them fighting over me. I settled down and tried to fall asleep.
But I had a lot on my mind. I was very worried about Das. I missed him. I soon found myself drifting to sleep however.
I woke up very hungry. I sat up slow and reached for my bag. I pulled out some snacks I packed and gave the dogs a bowl of food.
I finished and changed my clothes. Black pants, boots, and t-shirt. I got in the drivers seat and started the car up and sped down the road.
"I'm coming baby. I'm coming" suddenly a car hit the back of mine. I looked back and it was Jones crazy ex-wife, selena.
She must be apart of this too. I pushed the gas pedal all the way down and dodged her attempts to run me off the road.
The dogs were going crazy. Barking and growling. I had one idea to get away. I have to go on foot. I turned into the woods and sped into them. She had to stop and turn around buying me time.
I stopped the car grabbed my bag and got out with the dogs. We ran for our lives. She began shooting at us. We dodged them easily.
Her aim was horrible. Dumb blonde I thought to myself. We hid behind a tree when we got far enough.
I heard her get close and stop. Zeus growled low. "Shh" I said in a whisper. She began walking back to her car.
I waited awhile before I moved. We finally walked back to the car. "That bitch slashed my tires ugh she's so gonna regret that"
I began walking to the road. There was no cars around so we began walking in the direction of the factory. Why me I thought.
Pregnancy is supposed to be a joy. You know sitting on the coach complaining about how your body is hurting and getting fat and eating everything and anything you want. But no I have to save my boyfriend from psychos.
So we walked and walked and walked and for something different we walked some more.
We arrived at what it seemed like an old abandoned motel. I picked the lock to one of the rooms and opened the door. I let the dogs in first to check it out.
After a few minutes I went in. They were laying on the bed. "Thanks for letting me know guys." they barked at me. I shut the door and locked it.
I ate the rest of my snacks and laid down and put my swollen feet up. "Das you so owe me a foot massage and a relaxing vacation."
I put food out for the dogs but looks like they were too tired to even eat. I petted them as they laid there heads on my stomach.
"Tomorrow guys its war. We're getting him back even if we have to die trying"

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