Chapter 25

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Das p.o.v.

I woke up to her still laying on me. I picked her up and laid her beside me and pulled the blanket on her. I kissed her head and got out of bed. Soon as I did she rolled over, "baby stay with me. Don't go, i-i don't want to be alone" she pouted. I walked over to her and kissed her lips. "I'll just feed the dogs and be right back baby" I told her. She nodded her head and I left the room. The dogs were on the couch and jumped off soon as the food hit their bowls. I walked into the room and she was bent over looking into a chest. I walked up behind her. "Baby doing that is dangerous in front of me" I said. She turned around and looked me in the eyes and her eyes were watery. "Baby what is it?" I asked. She hugged me tightly and I picked her up with her legs wrapped around me. I sat her on the bed and wiped the tears from her face. "I want my baby" she said. I sighed and pulled her to me. We laid down and I spooned her and tried comforting her. She cried herself asleep and I got up. I put a pillow in my spot and left the room. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a phone. I dialed Jones number. He better pick up. The phone ringed and ringed until finally someone answered. "What do you want" Selena said. This bitch serious. "I want my baby back that's what. Where are you? Tell me and I'll spare your life." I responded. She got quiet for a minute. "I'm in a factory" she said then hung up. A factory? No wait. Not a factory, THE factory. The old one that shut down because of rats. I grabbed my gun and left. I'd wake up but she needs rest. I left the dogs as well, they'd look after her. I got in the car and drove to the destination. Wasn't far at all. I got there and heard a baby crying immediately. I ran inside and saw him alone. I picked him up and checked him over. He seemed okay. But I wonder why she let him go so easily. I wasn't complaining I got in the car. I had to hold him the whole time because we didn't have a car seat yet. I got home and walked in the room. She was still sleeping. I walked over to her and shook her gently. She groaned and sat up and opened her eyes. Her eyes got wide and a big smile erupted into her face. She took Jr. From me and kissed him over and over. She held him close and he finally settled down. He knew that was his mom. He went right to sleep. While he was sleeping I explained what happened. She agreed it was weird, but happy she got her son back.

Kelsea p.o.v.
I watched Jr. While Das went to go buy a crib and other stuff we needed. I heard him come home and he was cussing trying to put the crib together. I laughed at him. It took hours but he finally got it together. I was feeding Jr and after burping him I laid him in the crib and he went to sleep. I watched him sleep for awhile. "Baby its time for us to go to bed. I know you don't want to leave him but we'll be right in the next room and the dogs haven't left the cribs side since he's been in there" Das said. I smiled at him and went to our room. I went to the bathroom and turned the shower on. I got in when the water was warm and washed myself. Das joined me and washed himself. I got out and dried off and got into bed. The phone started ringing and I went to answer. "Hello" I said. "Now that you got your baby back game is on. I'll kill all of you together"the voice on the phone said before the line went dead. What's going on?

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