Chapter 19

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Over the next three months things were quiet. Nobody came to attack us, so my guess was they were planning something big. Das had his own plans that he didn't share with me of course.
He said he didn't want to stress me out and make me worry because it wasn't good for the baby. I'm now 8 months pregnant and I feel huge.
My emotions are all over the place. The smallest thing will set me off and I'm horny all the time.
But most of all I'm starving and I can't stop eating. I honestly thing the only reason Das is going to buy all this food by himself is to get time away from my mood swings.
He's out right now buying some while I eat the remaining of what we have. The dogs stay under me, probably hoping I'll drop some scraps for them. I throw them a piece and they begin fighting over it.
So I throw a second and they share the pieces. I roll my eyes and grab some ice cream and go and sit down on the couch. I dig into my chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. The dogs go to the door and don't bark just sit there.
Letting me know its just Das coming back. He walked through the door and set some bags down. "Hey babe need help?" I asked. "No you just sit there and relax" he replied.
I rolled my eyes annoyed with him because lately he won't let me do anything.
I even get up to go to the bathroom and tells me to sit back down and he'll get whatever I was getting up for. Unless you want to bring the toilet to me I got this.
He came in and out about 6 times carrying around 5 bags each time. I got up and began putting things away. "No baby girl, I got it. go lay down and watch something I'll be in there in a minute." He told me. I scolded him with a very mean look.
"Look Im not glass I'm not going to break. I'm perfectly fine to put some groceries away. Now shut up and let me be!" I said very sternly.
He looked at me with wide eyes and just continued to put away everything. I helped and put a few things away but then I got tired and went to the bedroom.
I laid down with a pillow under my feet and turned on the TV and flipped through the channels. Das came in and took his shirt off like he always did.
"Baby will you rub my feet please?" I asked him. He looked at me with confusion.
"You just tried to snap on me because I wanted you off your feet now you want me to rub them" I got mad at what he said.
"Yes I do! But forget it now asshole. I'll just be in pain since you want to be insensitive. You know I'm carrying YOUR baby" I folded my arms and pouted.
He sighed "baby" I began tearing up. He walked over to me and kissed my nose.
"Why you so mean to me" I cried out. He didnt say anything just looked annoyed. He went down and began rubbing my feet. I instantly perked up and began smiling. I fell asleep during my foot massage.

Das p.o.v.
Good she finally went to sleep. I love her but she driving me crazy with these damn mood swings. I covered her with a blanket and left the room. I went to the shed were I've been working on some stuff. Trying to figure out this drug and how to save Jones.
I don't want to kill him but if he gives me no choice I will. I went over what I have over and over and still can't figure out how she did it.
I took some notes from her a few weeks ago without her realizing. But even with this I still have no idea. I went back inside after hours of thinking.
I checked on Kelsea and she was still sound asleep. I guess being moody takes a lot out of you. I began making homemade pizza. I knew she'd be hungry when she woke up. I made 4 big ones.
I already have a hearty appetite but her being pregnant I always make double. I made plain cheese, pepperoni with and without sausage and Hawaiian just for her. I don't like it but she loves it.
I got all finished and set the table. I wasn't waking her up until everything was done. I didn't want to hear her mouth again. I went into the room and sat by her side.
"Baby" I said and shook her a bit. She didn't even move. She's a deep sleeper. I began kissing all over her face.
"Babe what I'm tired" she said. I smiled and rubbed her belly.
"Baby I made some pizzas. I know you're hungry" her eyes opened instantly and she sat up and pushed me down trying to get off the bed. When I got to the table she had 3 slices on her plate, already eating. I shook my head and giggled and sat down and began eating.
After we were done I cleaned up the kitchen. I went into the room and she walked out the bathroom naked and wet from taking a shower. I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her, placing my hands on her belly.
"Baby you're still as beautiful as ever" I told her meaning every word. She turned around and smiled and kissed my lips.
She went to my drawer and took out my shirt and boxers. That's what she's been wearing recently. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her and placed one hand on her stomach and the other on her clit and began rubbing.
"You won't need those for what I have in mind" I whispered in her ear. She pushed my hand away and turned around.
"I don't want to do that. I don't feel...... Attractive. I'm big and round" she told me. I kissed her forehead and her nose then her lips then neck, to her breasts, down her stomach and flicked my tongue on her clit. I stood back up facing her "still attractive to me" I said.
She smiled and attacked me with a kiss.
I kissed her back and grabbed her ass.I took her to the bed laying her down. I kissed every inch of her body. She began moving around letting me know she needed to get off her back. I rolled her over to her side and got behind her.
I kissed her neck and slid in slowly. She took my hand in hers and went slow and gentle. Not only because of the baby, but because I needed to make love to her.
And that I did. Her moans were soft but still clutching my hand. I felt her tighten around me and release. I groaned at this feeling.
I pulled her close to my body and released my load inside of her while kissing her lips. "I love you beautiful" I whispered softly.

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