Chapter 5

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It's been 2 months since you came to the mansion and everyday it escalates. Sebastian giving you constant teasing and it makes you angry that he always leaves out of nowhere. But no matter today was your monthly appointment with the doctor in town. Knowing you were homeless he gave you check ups for free but in return only asked for your company. You see the doctor lost his family in a fire 15 years ago and now at an old age, it's nice to have company. Today you thought you could bring him lunch while you're there.

In the kitchen, you made some vegetable soup and put a loaf of bread into a basket. You make your way out the back door when a hand stops you from opening it.

"My my, and where is little red riding hood going today?" His voice purred. You turned around and it was ciel.

"My lord." You bowed quickly and kept your head down.

"Where are you going and don't lie to me, that's an order."

You sigh and begin to explain.

"'s a incurable disease and well I have a doctor's appointment today." I kept my head down.

"(Y/N), why didn't you explain to me in the beginning. As a maid here I could of gotten you certain medications and things to help you. Let me go get Seb-"

"NO. Please young master. I don't want him to know." Your eyes start to tear up.

"If that is what you want. At least let me call a carriage for you." He walks off.

You sigh and and pick up the basket and head towards the front and await for the carriage

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