Chapter 7

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"See you in a couple weeks Y/N." Doctor waved at me as you walk outside of the clinic. You sigh and smooth out the wrinkles on your dress when noticing a familiar pair of shoes in front of you. A pair of shoes you could recognize anywhere; you gulped but stood your ground and look up and the one and only, Sebastian Michealis.

"My my, it seems that my kitten ran away, but here you are." He looked at you with an upset yet worried look upon  his face. You become sheepish and look down at your feet.

"Look at me when I'm speaking kitten." Sebastian took hold of your waist a pulled you closer with only an inch away from one another. Your eyes begin to fill up with tears as you begin to speak.

"I-I didn't want you to find out like this. But I-I'm sick....And I was just told that I'd only have a couple more months to live...I'm so sorry Sebastian.. I-I j-" Sebastian closed the distance between the two of you. Lips against lips, you could feel his emotions flowing within you before he broke the kiss.

"Y/N, lets head back to the manor shall we? I'm sure you've had a long day." He smiled. You knew what he meant. He understood, but for now; he sensed you wanted things to be normal. And normal they shall be.


Later that night of course you were asked many questions and you answered them truthfully leaving Sebastian satisfied.

"Come here kitten, let me hold you." The two of you were layed out on a bed in one anothers arms for comfort.

"Kitten, since I met you. I have no idea why but, I have very strong emotion towards you. One a thing like me shouldn't have. I don't know why but you're......special." You embraced Sebastian tighter in your arms and smiled. Looking up at him you say 

"I feel the same way Sebastian." And boldly move to kiss him. After a few kisses it starts to get a bit heated, Sebastian's hand runs down your back and bottom to caress your thigh and move to where you sit upon his lap. Without breaking contact, Sebastian carefully undos the buttons on your outfit leaving a trail of marks on your bare flesh.

"You're mine, all mine Y/N."

Sebastian gets a bit more rough when you begin to cough violently for a few minutes then stop.

"Kitten! Are you alight? Do we need to stop?" Sebastian was trying to keep his composure when you took his hands and placed them on your chest.

"It's okay.  I promise, I'm okay. My heart is still beating. Let's just take this a bit slow okay?" You smile and begin to kiss him again allowing things to continue where they left off.

"Be careful kitten, you might have unleashed a beast." Sebastian smirked and rolled the two over and under the covers.


Hey guys I'm back :) Hopefully, Thanksgiving break is giving me alot more time to write so please bare with me again

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