Chapter 6

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"(Y/N), have you been throwing up more?" Doctor Kane asked.

"I have my moments, but I hold back alot more now that I have a job."

"That's good, you're getting back up there. Now hold still please I need to take some blood." You hold your arm out and flinch a bit as the needle pricks your arm.

"There, good. I'll be right back."

About an hour later Doctor Kane came back with a upset look on his face.

"(Y/N)'s worse then I thought. You see..this disease cut your life span." He looked down and you began to cry.

"How long?"

"Seven Months. Maybe only five."

You look down and cry for a bit. After a few minutes you looked up happy as can be.

"Doctor, I brought you some soup. I thought we could eat it together."

Sebastians POV

"Where is she!" I looked through every damn room but she's still not here. I looked at my watch and mumbled. I forgot about the young lords tea.

Walking in the room I look to see him sitting there in his chair upset.

"My lord, it's not good to always have that look on your face." I served his tea.

"It's also not adequate to yell in the manor Sebastian." He calmly drank from the teacup.

"Pardon my rudeness young master." I bowed slightly before him.

" If you're looking for (Y/N), she went out for a bit. But it is not my place to tell you why."

Instant relief flooded through my body. It was strange how a demon incapable of feeling and only to cater to the contractor's wants before devouring their soul. Its just very peculiar in my eyes.

If my lord says she's fine. Then that should be the end of it. Still, it infuriates me of the fact he knows but not I.

"Sebastian." He said. "I told you that she's out but I never said you couldn't go looking for her. I have no need for you at the moment anyways." With the flick of his hand, I was shown away. And that was all it took for me to disappear in search of my Kitten.

Hey guys, I'm so sorry I haven't posted anything in so long. Things have been going on and well. Slowly I'm getting my footing back. Thank you so much for the support and for now I leave this unfortunately short chapter for yall as a start that I will begin writing again but it will take time please understand.

-love yall

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