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Selena's pov:

This morning I woke up early and ran to work, it wasn't fun serving people all the morning, taking orders, and - believe me if I say it was the first time of my life - but I got disgusted by the smell of eggs and bacon. I was on the point to throw up my breakfast, I don't know if it was a good idea to find a job like this one…but luckily I served a table full of people who gave me about $50 as tip. Wow, high tip for only some pancakes and orange juice. This morning I have decided to set a target because I suppose people should set targets in life; so I understood how I'll use this moneys. What do you think about a car? Well, a little one maybe already used by someone and not too expensive - because I guess I'll use it only for a year. Bieber Family is awesome, sons are two cuties and Erin and Jeremy seem so lovely, but I'm young and this is going to be my last year off before attending college  and I don't want to be stuck in this little city. I wish to visit Canada, Toronto, Ontario, Quebec, and more there are, better it is. And though it's an adorable town, Stratford doesn't own me… so, if nothing will happen - suddenly? - in my life, after Christmas I guess I'll move somewhere else but I swear I'll give to Bieber all the money I have promised for hosting me. That's why I have to work hard, because mama will only pay Bieber ( I don't want her to give me any extra moneys ) and if I want to visit this little part of globe, I must earn moneys. Well, maybe a car isn't necessary. By train it could be cheeper, no? I've asked to work full-time…this word scares me a lot. 

I began working hard, and harder. From nine am to seven pm with only a free hour for eating. But believe me if I say I didn't have appetite.

For Selena Gomez this was a beginning of her life, the beginning of literally growing-up and being mature and independent. 

I passed my days there, in the House of Pancakes, trying to look happy and be nice with people just to gain bigger tips; everyday - for three weeks - I woke up at around seven o'clock, had a shower, had breakfast with the family and ran to work, and once it was seven pm, after having worked really hard, I usually went to the nearest StarBucks with my Mac writing. 

" You don't write because you want to say something, you write because you have something to say. " Scott Fitzgerald. 

And if you're wondering what I had to say, believe me if I tell you could never guess it. Sometimes I only wrote because I needed to escape from my life, which was really getting hard to be lived. I've always been an hard-working girl, a daydreamer, a creative one, but growing up many of those qualities disappears. Right now, after only for four weeks I'm here, I feel incomplete and suffocating, it's like this place isn't enough. Maybe I was just facing the fact that my beloved Texas wasn't wrong for me, but that I was wrong for life. And my trouble wasn't the work, it took me busy, so it even helped me, my trouble was being 'just me'. 

I remember when I was only six and my dad asked me who I wanted to be, it was like John Lennon who replied - happy -, but what I truly replied was « dad, I want to be known. I want to be helpful. I want to change the world in the way I can ». I didn't know if I would have changed it only writing a book, maybe a book every child or respectable student would have read at schools, or acting in a movie, or winning a nobel for peace. The point wasn't what I would have become, the point was I was determined to be somebody. But now my determination was slowly fading away, and it hurt knowing I was loosing it. 

When I was eleven, and my dad was already 'gone' - I rather say that -, one day I sat on my bed, it was raining, and I began daydreaming even more than I used to. Screw me, judge me, but let me say I imagined myself in ten years being already known. And wait, I'm not saying I daydreamed being famous - fame is something that makes me sick -. 

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