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Selena's pov:

We all were dancing when Liam grabbed my hand and leaded me to kitchen, there were some other guys and they were drinking and laughing. Liam lifted me and placed me on the counter, he took a lemon and salt and yelled « body shots! » I was so drunk, he began licking salt from me and I wasn't even caring. Everyone began yelling loudly « Body shots! Body shots! Body shots! » and I loosed control letting him having fun; I was deeply disgusted! I wanted to cry, when I was at high school I used to judge girls who acted like bitches. I felt dirty. I heard someone shout and everybody got quiet, Liam stopped laughing and I saw Justin. He seemed just angry, but he was furious!  Right by his side there was a tall girl with lipstick all free ride, Jusitin's zipper was down, his shirt opened and his hair messy; I wonder what he was doing. « GET OFF FROM HER! » he shouted. 

He held my hand, everyone looked at him badly, he grabbed me outside forcing me to leave ( well, I wanted to leave ). He whispered something to Christian and we left. I tried not to cry. 

« What were you doing? » he asked me

I didn't reply because of shame.

« How far would you have gone? »

Again I preferred to don't answer.

« Selena! » he angrily exclaimed « Ryan has told me about the invitation »

« I rather don't talk tonight » I panted. 

Justin just sighed and I got more ashamed. 

Ten minutes later we were in Bieber's driveway, I quickly jumped off the truck and ran forward my room. Then, once I was washed and calmed, I burst in tears having flashbacks… I felt guilty because of Harry, I felt shame because of Justin's look. Oh, how stupid I was… 

I cried all night until I fell asleep. 

Justin's pov:

I cannot believe Selena was at my party, having that much fun. I didn't want her to be there because actually was Caitlin the one who threw it at my house, and I didn't want her to meet Selena. I have to admit I also didn't want to see her because of my feelings, I feel something for her - something deep - and it hurts knowing she is hanging out with Styles, a musician. Tonight she was doing body-shots, when I saw her I could have barely moved… though it was horrible to see Liam Larson licking her awesome skin, I couldn't stop thinking how hot she was. Divine. Her dress, short, showed her stunning legs and her hair was amazing making her smile so bright. 

I'm driving home and I could easily cry, I'm so sad. I thought stay away from her would have make me stop loving her but it haven't worked, my feelings only grew up getting stronger and deeper. And I had a heart attack when I saw her tonight, even Caitlin noticed it. She looked at me angry, and asked me what was wrong. I didn't answer, just shouted to get off from her. I haven't pronounced her name but I guess Caitlin have wondered who she was. 

Tonight I was so tired because of my thoughts that I easily fell asleep. 

----------------------------- THE MORNING AFTER -------------------------------

« Biebs, Biebs! » Jazzy exclaimed getting inside my room, where did I sleep at? « Justiiiiiiin! »

« where am I? » I asked blinded by sun light

« Selena is leaving!!!!! » she yelled. WHAT?! 

I immediately jumped off the bed, and pulled her against the wall.

« where is she going? »

« I don't know… » she puffed off. « But now she's going to the airport! Hurry up lazy boy! »

I wore a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, took my keys and got inside my car. Erin, mum and Jazzy waved me a 'goodbye' and Erin wished me good luck. While driving, as fast as I could have, my mind was pretty empty, I had only one thought which slowly crossed my head: I must stop her. 

I was furious, worried, exhausted, sleepy, hungry and I needed her so bad to kiss me; fuck Caitlin! When I arrived I left the car forgetting there were keys inside, I ran through and realized I had no clue where she was flying to. I got aware I had already lost her, world crashed me. Then I heard her awesome voice and my body was instantly filled with happiness. I turned and faced Selena and around her paparazzi, Harry was hiding their faces with his arm. So, she was leaving with him… Oh, how stupid I was. Our looks met, my eyes fell in hers, my legs walked away. Selena hurt me, the thought that she was going to leave with him hurt me like a kick in my ass, the fact that he was holding her hand  made me want to die. 

I walked off when I heard someone call me, for an unknown reason I hoped it was Selena, but it was an afro-american fellas with my keys. 

« Yo Man! I saved you! Here are your keys! » he yelled at me, « you should think twice before leaving them inside the vehicle!»

« thanks man! » I sighed leaving him some extra moneys. He thanked me. I left. 

That was going to be the longest day of my life - and the worst -.

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