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Selena's pov:

Yesterday it was perfect, we watched Spiderman until kids and I fell asleep and Justin had to grab each one of us to our beds. It was sweet of him… before falling we had a great moment, when he wrapped his arm around me it caused shivers. 

This morning he have left at about eight am because Jeremy has forced him to go to school and I personally think he's doing right, though Justin doesn't want to go he has to. If my mom only knew I skipped once the school, she would have killed me. Literally. 

Right now I'm getting ready for my not-so-date with the Biebs, he's going to take me out but I don't know exactly where. This morning Brittany went to 'The House of Pancakes' and asked them about me, the main waitress said I was officially out so yeah, I've lost my work. I have just $450 dollars, and they aren't enough for anything. I had to spent over one hundred because of the trip with Harry so, as I said, right now I only have four hundred and fifty dollars. But I'm not unhappy at all because it means I have to stay here in Stratford with Juju. 

Oh, I feel like a thirteen years old teenager who got her very first kiss: I'm too excited just for a not-so-date

Justin's pov:

« Jus have you listened about the Christmas Concert? Why don't you, Chris and Ry play something? » Caitlin proposed us

« I don't think it would be a good idea… I-I don't know »

« Biebs there are three weeks left until Xmas. We must take a decision before it's too late! » Ryan replied. 

We were all having lunch in the cafeteria but my mind wasn't there, I couldn't stop daydreaming about Selena and mine not-so-date hahahaha! 

« Justin! » Christian and his girlfriend exclaimed in unison

« girls we could wear t-shirts with the Band logo just to let all the other girls know those sexy homies are our boyfriends! » Caitlin smirked trying to kiss me, blaah I didn't want her to kiss me anymore. My mouth was Selena's, not hers anymore. 

« hey baby, what's on your mind? »

« Caitlin may I talk to you? Just you and me? » I asked her, she nodded and we walked off towards her locker. 

Here we are Justin, I thought, now's the time to talk truthfully. I just don't want her to be hurt but I guess in every way she'll get hurts. 

« So? »

« We should take some time, maybe seeing others or just to think » I said looking down at the floor

« what? We have been dating for a month and you already need to spend time on your own?! Who have you met Justin? There must be a new girl in your life, I know you well »

« I-I..I»

« is it the girl who lives in your dad's house? The bitch at our party…. yeah it must be her… what's her name… S…Selena?! » she spoke. « Is it her? »

« Selena isn't the problem, it's about us. Me and You. I-I don't know if we're meant to be »

« Mea-nt to Be?! Seriously Justin?! » she smirked pretending it was funny, « I think you're attracted because she's new in town, she's older, she's pretty, and she's a bitch. That's what you need, right? »

« you don't know about her, you have no idea about us so please stop talking » I angrily affirmed making her shut up, « anyway I'm sorry. It's just my fault and you deserve much more Caitlin »

She looked at me for a second, her eyes were burning into flames, she must have been furious, but I didn't care; it was better for everybody to stop lying, especially for her. She silently left but I knew she was going to cry. I'm sorry… 

One hour later I was finally with Selena, in my car, driving to our lakeside house because our love has officially began there and I wanted to live another awesome day. It was funny because when we were inside my truck the radio was turned on and " 22 " by Taylor Swift, a country singer, came on. Selena have begun dancing and singing along, she was cute. I loved the way she didn't care about me seeing her acting like a little girl. 

" It feels like a perfect night to dress up like hipsters 

And make fun of our exes, uh uh uh uh 

It feels like a perfect night for breakfast at midnight 

To fall in love with strangers uh uh uh uh 


We're happy free confused and lone at the same time 

It's miserable and magical oh yeah 

Tonight's the night when we forget about the deadlines, it's time uh uh 

I don't know about you but im feeling 22 

Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you 

You don't know about me but I bet you want to 

Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we're 22, 22!

[ …. ]

It feels like one of those nights 

We ditch the whole scene 

It feels like one of those nights 

We won't be sleeping 

It feels like one of those nights 

You look like bad news I gotta have you, I gotta have you 

I don't know about you but im feeling 22 

Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you 

You don't know about me but I bet you want to 

Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we're 22, 22 

Dancing like 22, yeah, 22, yeah yeah   "

« don't you look at me that way, Bieber! » she smirked « like a kid who have seen Santa Claus! »

« wh-what?! I absolutely don't look like an excited kid who has seen Santa, Mrs Gomez » I faked argued « I'm more like a bad boy who has seen an angel » I smirked back causing her to burst in tears. 

« whenever you see this angel again call me, I've never seen one »

--------------------------  { LATER } -------------------------- 

Selena and I have eaten like two fatty grannies and now we're watching Twilight on the sofa near my fireplace in the living room, she's laid down with her head on my thighs, I had a pillow holding my back and my foots laid on a little table. 

« Justin.. »

« yeah? »

« I'm really happy right now »

« I know, Edward admiring Bella while she sleeps excites me too! » I smirked causing her to laugh, then I turned serious and she sat up placing her head on my pecs. « I've never felt that way before when a girl's around. I-I mean, I get nervous every time you walk by, and though you could find it weird.. I feel butterflies in my stomach too whenever you touch me Selena »

She blushed. Awwwwww

« Whenever I think of you I play like a dork, a perfect jerk, a nerd, a gay…. »

« Justin stop insulting yourself, please »

« is that I feel something deep for you » I said lifting her chin with my thumb 

« I'm falling for you » she mumbled. 

« shhh » I added in while placing my lips on hers. 

I slowly swept my tongue across her teeth and got in paradise, I was so amazed. She laid on the sofa and I laid on her, pecs to breast, palm to palm, nose to nose. We laid there kissing for over an hour…. 

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