Chapter three ~and to think I was foolish enough to believe he loved me~

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Neither Thea nor I said anything for the majority of the walk back to the train station. Maybe that was for the better. Maybe it wasn't. I suppose me stewing in my own rage wasn't exactly a good thing. "I'm sorry you had to be part of that." I finally said as we stood at the tracks waiting for the train. I had decided it would be the polite thing to do to take her back to center city where we had originally met and make sure she knew where she was going. "No need to be sorry." Thea shook her head slowly and cast me a sad smile. A sort of heartbroken look. "I'm sorry that happened to you." She countered. I took a moment to reply. Surely she would understand how hard this was for me. But was it really struggling to find the words to say that glued my mouth shut? Maybe not. I found myself staring into her eyes. And without moving, gazing all about her. Her perfect figure, the way her hair danced about her shoulders and framed her pretty face perfectly. Her two different coloured eyes cast a magical look about her. She was beautiful. I wish i looked like her. The train pulling into the station sort of, broke my trance. "It's fine." I said glumly and shrugged. Looking away quickly and now refusing to make eye contact. "I should have seen it coming." I added as we boarded the train. "And i should have told you. They'd been doing that the whole way to center city." Thea whispered as we shuffled down the aisle and found a seat. "Don't blame yourself-" i paused to pay the conductor for our tickets. "Please." I finished and looked out the window. "Okay." Thea replied quietly and looked down at her hands placed sadly in her lap. A few minutes into the ride, she looked up again. "Did you enjoy the movie, then?" Thea asked awkwardly. Sweet of her to try and make conversation. "Up until i came back from the restroom, yes." I retorted. A slightly wounded look flashed across Thea's face and i instantly felt guilty for snapping at her. "I've never been too fond of super hero movies, if i've got to be honest." She said. Sweet of her to try and lighten the mood. "Nor have i." I said and shook my head slowly. "It was good for what it's worth, though." I added with a slight shrug and looked over at her. "I agree." Thea smiled a little. Her smile was very pretty. I wished then that i had gotten to see her smile more. "How long have you lived in Philly?" I asked. Not knowing what else to say. This usually struck up a good conversation whether they were a local or not. "All my life." She smiled again. "And you?" I found the little tilting of her head to the side that she did when she asked questions, very cute. "Moved here when i was five." I replied as the train stopped. "Do you like it, then?" Thea asked and got up. Letting me out into the aisle first before following me off the train. "I do." I answered her and smiled a little. Hoping she would know that talking about other things had helped clear my mind. "I don't remember much of country life but i imagine i'd go batshit crazy if i went back." I laughed a little. "Me too. I love the fast paced life. And everything seems to be much better organized no matter what people tell you about city life being 'hectic.'" She said and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "My thoughts exactly." I couldn't help smirking a little. I heard another train pull in and by the screen overhead that i had to catch this one or i'd be stuck in center city over night. "Well," i looked down at my shoes awkwardly, "it's been nice talking to you. But i have to go." I said and motioned my head towards the train as i walked towards it. "Alright." Thea dipped her head. "C-c could i get your number?" She stammered. "I'd like to keep talking some time i-if t-that's alright." She added quickly. "Why was she so nervous all of a sudden? "Sure." I pulled my phone from my pocket and she did the same. We exchanged numbers and then i left. To be honest, today could have been worse. So maybe i did lose my best friend. And maybe i did break up with my boyfriend. His necklace probably wasn't the same as mine anyway. Hell, now i thought the soulmates theory on those stupid things was wrong. But i had also found a new friend in Thea Larkin. It's like the old lady at my church always says when someone brings her trouble for prayer. 'God closes one door so he can open another.' I'd always thought that sounded stupid and i'll be the first to admit my disagreements with the church but maybe she was right on that one.
Beginning to think about having broken up with Finn set my stomach churning. Several times on my walk home, i stopped and stood still to gain my wits. What clique would i be part of in school come the end of summer vacation? Would the popular kids bully me now that i wasn't dating their ringleader...?
"So, how was your day?" My mother asked as she set dinner down on the table. I took advantage of Orwell screaming and gathering all my parents attention to avoid answering. "Terrible." I finally replied when my dad kept throwing me quizzical glances. "Oh dear, how come?" My mom asked in that sort of surprised and sad tone that only a mother can. I took a deep breath and stopped eating for a moment. "I went to go to the restroom and when i came back, Britney and Finn were practically sucking each others faces off. His leg was sliding up her leg and-" i paused and relaxed, realizing i had been making an awfully disgusted face. "It was gross. Needless to say i'm single again." I sighed. "Oh honey..." My mother said sadly and covered her mouth. Placing her free hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure i can get at him through the agency somehow..." My dad joked. He was skilled at lightening the mood. "It's fine." I shrugged and squinted to keep from crying. "No it isn't... I'm so sorry..." My mother cooed gently and ran a hand over my hair. "Guess how i broke up with him." I laughed slightly and sniffled. Wiping my eyes with the back of my hand. My eyeliner was now completely destroyed. "How?" My dad smirked and leaned on his elbow. "I told him his ex was hot and when he asked which one i told him 'me' before proceeding to leave right in the middle of the movie." I replied. Choosing to take my dad's route of lightening the mood. "That's my girl!" He laughed and high fived me. "On a lighter note, i made a new friend..." I said. Realizing at the awkward silence following the high five that my parents knew not what to say. "Who?" My mother asked. "Thea Larkin." I replied. "I know her dad." My dad said instantly. He knew a lot of people. "Cool." I nodded slowly. "I've never spoken to Thea but from what i know, she's a very nice girl." He told me. I nodded. "That's good." My mother said and stopped messing with my hair. "You should have her over sometime..." She suggested kindly.

The unfortunate adventures of Sarah RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now