Chapter six ~what now?~

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"Sarah, we've talked about this before." My mother said as she shut the door behind us upon arriving home. "Nobody can prove that any one of the theories on the necklaces rings truer than the next." She added and picked up Orwell from where he lay playing on the floor with my father. "But mom, if you would just listen! I've found so much!" I begged after her. "Sarah," my mother pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "It's been a long two days for me. We'll talk about it tomorrow." She said. "But-" i cut myself off and turned to face my father. "Dad!" I stomped my foot on the floor and pouted a little. Why weren't they listening to me? "That's enough, sweetheart. You need some rest after the night you had. Up to bed with you." He chuckled and ruffled my hair a little. I said nothing but huffed a little as i turned on my heel and went up to my room. It occurred to me as i lay there that i had no friends now to call and rant to. Britney clearly cared nothing for me and I had broken up with Finn. There was Thea. But i thought it best to not begin our friendship by spouting nonsensical theories and anger towards my parents at the poor girl. I decided it best to keep looking into reports on phantom pain occurrences and people hearing and seeing things.
June 30th 2035 Dublin, Ireland
Five year old Judy MacBeth, daughter of Clide and Anna MacBeth, was sent home from nursery school because she fell into hysterics during lunch time. She started crying and fell on the floor every few seconds saying she was getting confused as to where she was going because her eyes "kept switching." Explanations later coaxed out of the child were; 'first i could see my nursery and then i could see some other place. Somebody's house. But i was still in nursery.' Reports have also stated that she remembered her necklace being very warm at the time. However there seems to be little to worry about as this has not happened again nor has it appeared in any other "necklace baby..."
These necklaces definitely linked us with other people in some way or another. I was sure of that. Had my necklace been hot when i collapsed from the pain last night? Maybe. I did not remember now. I trailed my fingers up to my crystal absentmindedly. It was cold now. Now that i thought about it, all of me was cold. I got up and changed into sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. After tying my messy brown hair up in a bun, i sat back down in my bed and continued browsing reports, facts and theories. There were, now that i looked, a total of six people or three couples who had found another with a matching necklace and claimed they were soulmates. A newlywed couple, Gilbert and Christina Foster, Andrew and Alexander whom i'd read about earlier and of course Britney and Finn. It occurred to me that there were probably more who had just not reported their findings. Or maybe there wasn't. The necklaces had only been around for about seventeen years. Not all of the "necklace babies" would be old enough to date or marry.
May 31st 2030 Tainjin, China
Ten year old Jon Wong, son of Lin lee  and Jon Wong (Sr.) started claiming he was hearing things during their evening meal. 'What he described sounded not like schizophrenia.' Claimed his mother, 'he said he could momentarily hear things someone else was doing and hearing.' Quoted the boy's father. Further reports from questioning the boy note that his necklace was said to have been very hot for a second before he heard things. Also that this had never happened before and like reports have yet to be filed...
There was no way now i could be unconvinced that the necklaces linked us with another person for some divine reason beyond our understanding. And maybe it was just that. Maybe we weren't meant to understand it. We humans seem to ruin things quite often by trying to understand them. "What now?" I sighed as i shut my laptop. "I've dug up pretty much all that i can..." I muttered as i rose to return my little computer to it's living space on my desk and crack the door of my room open a little so that Doug could come and go as i slept without disturbing me.
"I suppose my next plan would be to quietly observe strangers who also bear these mysterious necklaces..." I sighed. Yes, i talk to myself when i'm trying to figure something out. Okay? "The park would be a good place to go... Or!" I stopped myself for a second, "suburban station! There are tons of people there and anywhere else in center city." I was getting excited now. It was too late to be getting so hyped up. But i couldn't help it! I suppose one cannot help themselves when they are planning adventures.
I could tell my parents i was to meet Thea at suburban station. a white lie wouldn't hurt. I was just going to sit and observe people for a while. though now that i sat and thought about it, meeting up with my new friend might not be such a bad idea. It would be useful to get insight on the subject from someone else who was close in age to me.
Eventually, sleep overtook me. I probably had dreams about soulmates with magic necklaces. That's how much i had been looking into theories and reports on the crystals! I do remember waking up at one point near two am feeling a slight stinging and tickling sensation in my wrists. Same spots where i'd had the phantom pain on friday night. However, i decided to let sleep reign supreme once again and slowly drifted off into a deep sleep only to be woken by my phone ringing...

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