Chapter two ~blinded by the prime of my life~

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I woke up to the shrieking of my phone's alarm. Six am already? Ugh. My dad was going to give me a ride to the train station in an hour. From there i would take the train into center city where i would meet my Finn and another friend from school. I had been told beforehand by my friend, Britney, that there would be a new girl with us today. We all knew her prior, of course. But she'd never hung out with us. Britney's mother worked with 'the other girl''s mother and thought it would be nice if we tried to be friends with her. Of course. Really, she was probably just trying to keep her job.
I virtually rolled out of bed and onto the floor. Almost crushing Dough who, had made his way to the third floor and into my room to sleep.
Showering took nearly forty minutes. Forty! Surprise, surprise. Quick showers are not entirely possible when you have to shave both your entire fucking legs and make sure you are actually clean. Makeup took twenty. I slipped on a pair of ripped jeans and a Radiohead tee. My makeup was simple. Pink lipstick and eyeliner winged ever so slightly. Nothing much, but enough to make me look pretty. Which, naturally i was not. Last minute, i slipped on my white converse and my red beanie. My father was waiting at the door when i got downstairs. "Ready?" He asked and heaved his backpack onto his shoulder. He takes it to work with him every day. And i still don't fully understand why. I also don't understand the reason for him leaving if the agency provides him with the secret room. But i don't question it. "Sure." I said and went out the door ahead of him. He wasn't accompanying me because i hated riding the train alone. We'd lived here a little over ten years, i was used to it. But my parents had decided this was just more convenient since my father had to take the same train to work anyway. When we got off, i walked away from my dad without giving him more farewell than an awkward smile. I didn't often like being seen in public with my parents. I waited almost an hour for Finn and Britney to get to the station. This was, put sarcastically, exactly how i wanted to spend my Wednesday morning. But finally, they did show up. There was, as predicted, another girl with them. She was extremely pretty and looked very nice despite the downcast description Britney had given me of her. Her hair was a little shorter than mine and was blonde, bleached near white by the sun. One could only assume she must have some sort of work outside. she was tall. Taller than me. And very thin. She had a sort of tragic beauty about her. As if she was hurt and broken inside but her outward beauty was struggling to let that show. Her eyes were what struck me the most. One was a beautiful blue. Like looking into a diamond that had been stained the colour of the sky. And the other, green. Like an emerald. But lighter. It took me a second to realize i had been staring at the stranger. When i "came to" i noticed first that Finn was very stone faced and Britney, giggling and acting as though her head was in the clouds. "Who's this?" I motioned with my chin towards the new girl. It seemed rather customary among the popular kids in my school to act condescending to anyone new who approached their clique. "This is Thea." Britney told me and cast awkward glances between the four of us. "Thea Poe Larkin." The girl said and stuck out a hand for me to shake. "Sarah." I said simply and shook her hand. She had a firm handshake, i noticed. I seemed to be noticing a lot about this girl. "You ready babe?" Finn's voice brought me back to my wits and i felt his hand slip around the small of my back as we walked onto the train. "Yeah." I nodded and smiled playfully at him, planting a quick kiss on his cheek. Britney was giggling the whole time. Every time Finn said anything to anyone she got giggly. Not normal for her. But, not the strangest thing Britney had ever done. We took the train back closer to my house. After that there was a five mile walk to a movie theatre downtown. Ah, i loved city life. Though i don't remember the country, i don't want to go back to it. Finn and Britney walked ahead a bit the whole time and i trailed behind with Thea. I pretended not to notice Finn's slight ignoring me and decided instead to attempt at befriending this pretty, new girl. She was quiet and seemed not as willing to share about herself as i had maybe hoped. But i learned that she was an only child and her parents worked at a church. They sounded very strict. She was, like me, nearly sixteen years old. Nothing else was said between any of us until we reached the theatre. We decided upon seeing Deadpool. Though none of our parents would have wanted us watching an R rated movie, we did it anyway. There was in fact, no way they could have found out after the fact so long as we threw away our ticket stubs. I enjoyed the movie alright. It was good. That saying the best. Even if i wasn't into super hero movies. But Finn liked it. That's what mattered to me. I loved doing stuff that made my boyfriend happy. Seeing him get excited over things he enjoyed made my heart soar. And, as expected, there were several points in which Finn and i failed to pay attention because we were making out. I felt a little bad for Thea who, was on the other side of my seat. And Britney who, was on the left of Finn's.
Somewhere near the end but not quite finished, i left to go to the bathroom. Large sodas and popcorn don't always pay off. When i came back i nearly screamed. Not because of the scene on the screen or the loud sudden sounds from the surround sound speakers blasting as soon as i walked in, but rather from what i saw right before me. In the seats. In my row. Finn. Finn and Britney looked like they were sucking each other's faces off. And, was- was his hand sliding up her leg? Gross! He'd never been confident enough to do that with
me when people could see us! Thea was sitting in her seat, perfectly rigid and clearly aware of what they were doing but also aware that she could not stop it. I stomped over and sat down. Not making any attempt to pry them apart. "I'm leaving." I said and turned to my right to face Thea. "Do you want to come?" I asked. She nodded but said nothing. "Your ex is hot." I said and turned to Finn who, had finally had the sense to let go of  my friend. "Which one?" He smirked at me. His entire aura radiated asshole. "Me." I spat. Though i didn't even think myself halfway decent, i found this the only way i could break an eleven month and two week relationship without starting to sob in the middle of an action movie. Finn merely shrugged and winked at me before turning back and kissing Britney again. I said nothing to them as i stomped out of the theatre. Barely waiting for Thea. "I'm sorry. I should have come and gotten you. Spared you from having to do that." She said quietly as we crossed the street outside the theatre. "No. It's fine." I snapped. Instantly, i felt bad for snapping when i could almost feel her flinch at me raising my voice. "Nothing could have prevented that." I added.

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