Chapter twenty-two ~how could you~

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"Why?" Was the only thing i could manage to say when Thea and I were alone again, packing her stuff up before her parents came to get her from my house themselves.
"Why?!" Thea stopped packing to look at me as though i had three heads.
"Yes, why?" I repeated, nodding my head a little as sort of a prompt for her to answer me.
"Because i can't bear the thought of going home." She said dryly and began packing again, refusing to meet my eye.
"Thea, i know that. Couldn't you have talked to me? I want to help but i can only do that if you let me." I realize now that i should have tweaked the tone of my voice to sound less disappointed in her.
"What would that have done? I'd still have to go back. Nothing has been proven yet. All they have is your parent's word and pictures of my scars and bruises." Thea spat, still refusing to look at me.
"I don't think you wanted help." I whispered. Fighting back tears.
"No, Sarah i didn't." Thea whispered in response. She stopped packing and stared at the wall with her back to me.
"Why not?" I asked desperately.
"Again with the why? Sarah, i love you. But i can't go on living like i do. Not when my parents somehow got hold of the inquirer and saw that you weren't dating Finn. Not when my father called and threatened to beat me as soon as nobody was watching. Not when my mother texted me about how i was just a worthless dyke. An abomination to the Lord. Not when i knew that if i left here i'd never be able to see you again. I couldn't let them control that. If i was going to never see you again, it needed to be my choice." Every word she said was slow and drawn out to fight off tears. And oh God, when she said my name in anger like that, it sent chills all throughout my body.
"When did they contact you?" I asked as i finally worked up the nerve to walk closer to her and sit on the floor next to her.
"Thursday night." Thea replied dryly without turning to face me.
"why didn't you tell me?" I asked, almost getting angry now.
"What good would that have done?" She hissed and finally moved to face me. Her eyes wide with anger and her cheeks stained from tears.
"We could have called the state! Thea, my parents have ways of tapping into your phone. You know that! And even if they couldn't have recorded the call, they could have gotten the texts!" I was angry now. How could she not see i loved her and wanted to help??
Without hardly waiting for me to finish Thea shook her head. "I deleted them." She snapped.
"Why?" I asked with an equally bitter edge to my voice.
"Stop asking why! If you really want to know why, it's because i'm ashamed. I'm ashamed by the fact that i can't be what my parents want. That i don't love them. That they don't love me. That we aren't a perfect family. That i exist." Thea yelled, tears spilling down her cheeks.
I couldn't even say anything. I felt angry with her for not telling me and letting me help. I felt guilty for being angry. What good would anger do now? And i felt sorry for her.
"This. This is why i never told anyone what i was going through. That i cut. Because i knew they'd only get mad at me. Thank's for confirming that." Thea jeered and stood up slowly, taking her duffle with her.
"Thea!" I reached to grab hold of her wrist, pulling myself up. I needed something else now. Trying to explain my side of this argument would only land in a breakup.
"Let go of me." My girlfriend snapped and tried to free herself of my grasp.
"No." The tone of my voice came out more angry and dominant than i had intended but i didn't care at this point.
"What?" Thea sounded absolutely appalled. "Did you just say?" She finished, a dry sound of horror sneaking into her voice.
"I said, 'no.' Thea, i love you. I will never be mad at you for harming yourself, or wanting to die," i pulled her closer against my chest as i spoke, "I will never blame you for what your parents have done. I will never call you an abomination or failed creation for what you cannot control," i hugged her tightly despite her refusal to return the embrace. I could feel her body tense up and try to fight back an upcoming outburst of tears, "i will only ever love you. And protect you. And hold you dear to my heart. I will never try to hurt you. I will only try to help in the best way i can. Because that's what love is. Giving your best and your all." I finished, leaning away a little so i could see her face. Quickly, before she started crying, i kissed her. Cupping both my hands at her cheeks and even slipping a little tongue in.
When we broke apart, it was like we broke a dam. Thea sobbed uncontrollably for three minutes.
"Thank you." Was all she could manage to say.
"Thea! Your parents are here!" My mother called up the stairs before i could reply. We both gave each other a curt not before one more kiss then headed downstairs with Thea's bag.
I said nothing to Thea's parents because if i had tried i would have started screaming at them for hurting the girl i loved.
My parents only spoke the minimum.
As i watched them leave out the door peephole i could have sworn i saw her father pinch her and whack the back of her head.
Maybe it was just my imagination.
"Why could we hear yelling and crying?" My father asked after a few moments of silence.
I sighed heavily, turning to face my parents.
"To put it short, she tried to kill herself because her father called thursday night while i was showering and threatened to beat her as soon as nobody was looking. And her mother sent her mentally abusive text messages." I told him dryly.
My parents nodded at each other. My mother handed Orwell whom, she had been holding and dashed up the stairs to the secret room. I think.
"Why were you fighting?" My father asked and sat down on the arm of the couch next to me.
"I couldn't understand why Thea didn't try to get mine and your help, she thought i was mad, i explained that i wasn't, she cried." I summed it up simply so i wouldn't break down at the thought of it.
"It's tough sometimes, dealing with somebody who has so many issues concerning their mental well-being." My father began and put an arm around me. "Your mother was just like Thea. She used to cut. Part of the reason we met is because she couldn't take it any more." He told me.
"Really?" I sniffled. Drying my eyes with the back of my hand.
"Really. And we made it through that. There was fighting and sadness and let down but we did it because there was also love." He whispered. Hugging me close.
"Do you think we'll make it?" I rasped, holding back a sobbing fit.
"I know you will." My dad replied.
"The police and a social worker from the state of Pennsylvania will be waiting at Thea's apartment when they arrive home." My mother's voice sounded as she came back down the stairwell...

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