Chapter thirteen ~well this is awkward~

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"You knew all along." I whispered and played my fingers along the crystal of my necklace. Thea nodded slowly. Was she, crying? "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. She shook her head slowly. "Do you think it would have made sense for i, a raging lesbian, to tell a girl i was almost positive was straight that if her theory was correct, we were meant to be together?" She laughed wistfully. "I guess not. But you know, i think i've always been a little attracted to you from the moment we met." I stumbled over my words a little, never mind meeting Thea's steady gaze. "I could tell."she giggled, a slight smirk playing across her face. I could feel my cheeks start to tingle as i blushed again. "Sorry." I murmured. Looking down at my feet. "Do you think i minded?" Thea scoffed a little. That sentence sounded borderline kinky. And, if i'm being one-hundred percent honest with you, i liked it. "I-i'm definitely bisexual." I continued stumbling over my words. "What makes you say that?" The look that crossed Thea's face looked almost turned on. "I, i, ididn'tsomuchmindwhathappenedafewminutesagowhenniaccidentallypulledyoudown." My words came out so quickly it was difficult to decipher what i had actually said. "Well i have news for you," Thea smirked and stepped closer to me, *my god! What was she doing!?* looking down for a moment then grabbing my hips as she simultaneously pulled me against her body and pushed me down on my bed. "I did too." She whispered. Our faces only inches apart as she straddled over me. my breathing became fast and i felt a certain heat spread about my entire body. I shut my eyes for a moment to attempt at taking in what had happened. Thea had come out as lesbian, i was definitely bisexual, we were soulmates and she was now straddling over me in my bed. Every bone in my body practically screamed 'kiss her' 'touch her' i felt more turned on now than i ever had with Finn. Thea just had this way about her. More than sexual, she was perfect. A girl like that captured your soul. "What now?" I whispered as i slowly opened my eyes again. Thea responded only by leaning closer so our bodies actually touched and kissing me. It was more beautiful than any other kiss i had ever had. I grabbed her face and pulled her against me, moving my lips against hers until we ran out of breath and had to break contact. "There is definitely a reason we have the same necklaces." Thea murmured, keeping her face very close to mine still. "Yes." I whispered. Almost delirious with what i'm positive was lust, my speech slurred a little and i felt my eyes droop. Dreamy eyed. I was about to kiss Thea again when i heard my father's heavy footsteps coming up in the direction of my room. As fast as she could, Thea crawled off of me and stuffed her necklace back in her shirt. "Dinner's ready, girls." My dad droned and rapped his knuckles on my door a few times. I came silently out of my room, Thea followed. The warning look she shot me as we sat down indicated that i was not to mention any of what had just happened. I nodded very quickly to indicate that i understood. "So, Sarah, is this your friend?" My father asked as he passed the burgers around to everyone. "Yes, Thea, this is my father." I said. "Dad, this is Thea." My friend turned to face my father and shook his hand briskly. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Richards." She said politely. "Aiden suits me just fine." My father chuckled. "Mr. Richards was my father." He added. Thea nodded slowly. "You're pastor Larkin's daughter, aren't you?" My father asked her. Trying to make conversation. "Yes, my father is the pastor at Grace Church of Feltonville. My mother is his assistant." Thea replied and nodded slowly as she ate. "I've been there a few times. I know him through my business. A couple of your congregation members have been customers of mine." My father was very skilled at describing his job without breaking the rule of telling no one about his agency. Thea nodded again. As she opened her mouth to speak, Orwell shrieked and dropped his toy he'd been playing with since he was not old enough to eat the kind of solid foods we were having. "Have you met baby Orwell?" My mother laughed. "No." Thea held back a burst of laughter and shook her head. "He's very cute." She put in and smiled. "Thank you." My mother flashed a cheesy grin and lifted Orwell from his highchair after she took her plate to the kitchen sink. "How old is he?" Thea asked just after finishing her dinner. "Just over six months." My mother replied, bouncing my brother on her knee. "Thea, where do you go to school?" My father asked as he returned from taking his dishes to the kitchen. "Masterman." She replied. "Aaah, good school, good school." My dad mused and nodded slowly. "Sarah goes to central." He told her. I could have said that! Come to think of it, other than introducing her, i had not spoken at all during the whole meal. "I wanted to get into into masterman but i wasn't really smart enough." I chuckled sarcastically and stood up to take my dishes and Thea's into the kitchen. "I'm surd you could have. Half the kids there got in on pure luck. They're all conceited idiots." Thea laughed quietly and rolled her eyes a little. I walked back into the dining room and gave a little, sly, quick head movement as if to ask if Thea wanted to go back upstairs. "Oh, sure." She replied in a small voice as she stood up to follow me. "Goodnight, girls!" My father called after us.
"Close your eyes, okay?" I chuckled and shut the door behind me. "Why?" Thea smirked and leaned against the wall. "I have to change." I told her when i grabbed a pair of running shorts and a baggy hoodie. "We're not far along enough in our relationship to watch each other change?" She joked. "We're in a relationship?" Came my slightly stunned response. "Well i would assume so after the events that have recently occurred." She retorted and smirked at me. "Alright," i smirked back. "But i still want you to close your eyes..."

The unfortunate adventures of Sarah RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now