Chapter seventeen ~love is key~

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"Good lord, girls. It's past midnight. How are you still up?" My mother muttered, looking at her watch as we came back inside through the back door. Doug came tumbling down the stairs on his short legs to sniff around my mother's feet as he always did when my parents returned from work. "Well we couldn't exactly abandon Orwell." I laughed, pointing to the baby monitor which, i had clipped to my waistband. "Oh good, he finally went to sleep. By the way, i read your article while i waited to meet my latest client. God, she's a piece of work. But i expect the pay for this one to be good. Your article was amazing. I'm going to try and see if i can't recommend it to some friends in church tomorrow." My mother began rambling and bustling about to unload her laptop bag and sort papers that seemed to keep coming from nowhere. I glanced nervously at Thea for a moment. "O-okay." I smiled at my mother, trying my best to not appear nervous. "So Finn's necklace didn't match yours?" I heard my mother speak again as Thea and I tried to make our way up the stairs to my room.  "No." I replied glumly, turning to face her. "It's a great thing, your boyfriend cheating on you with your childhood best friend." I scoffed. "Funny that he believed the soulmates theory before you overturned all that evidence." Thea put in quietly. "It's just luck," i folded my arms, "he would have still made excuses." My mother shot me a sympathetic glance and sighed. "So, miss genius..." She chuckled, lowering her glasses off the top of her head back down to her eyes so she could see properly. "If your article was right," she peered in closely at my necklace and glanced awkwardly between Thea and I. "well you definitely got the tall part correct!" She laughed. "Yeah, you can either thank this fucking magic placing the damn things here or dad's gene pool." I smirked. "Mind your language, Sarah." My mother put in simply. "Don't mind her." She chuckled jokingly as she turned to Thea. "I'm sorry i never properly welcomed you." She said and hugged my girlfriend. (whom she did not know was currently my girlfriend) "it's alright." Thea laughed and grinned at me for a second. "I'll not bicker with Sarah too much while you're here. I assume a week's worth of that would get tiring." She teased. "Better than a cruise with my parents and a bunch of other old people." Thea scoffed jokingly. I pretended to gag. My mother peered in at my necklace again before turning back to Thea. "Let's see your necklace then." She said cheerily. The blood drained from Thea's face. How accepting would my parents really be if presented with an actual situation where there kid was queer? Thea and i dared not look at each other, i opened my mouth to speak but Thea got there first. "Oh, sure, I uh, you may not like it." She stammered and reached down her hoodie to find it. "Why would i not like it? There isn't a colour i don't like!" My mother laughed. I squeezed my eyes shut and Thea took a deep breath as she pulled the crystal necklace out of her hoodie. "It's so lovely! I-" my mother cut herself off, looking rapidly between Thea and I. "Th- they- th- they're..." She stammered, covering her face as she found herself unable to finish her sentence. "The same." I said, trying my best to keep my voice from breaking. Thea carefully reached over to hold my hand. "Th- then- th- that means. She's- you're...." My mother looked extremely flustered. Not angry, flustered. "Bisexual," i pointed to myself, "lesbian." I pointed to Thea. "Girlfriends." I pointed back and forth between us before turning my head and kissing Thea right there in front of my mother. "Oh my." Her voice came out as a shrill squeak. "Well, this is a lot to take in." She sounded like an old woman who has just had a dirty joke explained to her. "You're not angry?" I whispered. "Heavens no! Of course i'm not, Sarah. If you want to have a girlfriend, that's fine with me. Just make sure you treat each other right and love each other. Love is key." She patted my arm gently. "Thank you so much!" Tears sprang into Thea's eyes and she threw her arms around my mother. "Gracious, child. Are you alright?" She whispered as she held onto my girlfriend. "Her parents abuse her because she thought it would be safe to come out to them but it was not." I whispered. Thea started sobbing. "There, there. I'm sorry to hear that." My mother cooed and carefully pulled me into the hug as well. "I'm afraid to go home. They'll read the article and find out Finn is no longer dating Sarah. They don't want me hanging out alone with another girl unless she has a boyfriend." Thea murmured. "Aden and I will do the best we can to help you. We've got all week so that's at least seven stress free days for you." My mother told Thea. "Thank you, Kelly." Thea whispered as my mother slowly let go of the two of us. "Thanks, mom." I whispered, drying my eyes with the back of my hand. "No need to thank me for purely recognizing that love is love and cannot be controlled." She chuckled. "Now go to sleep." She added and turned us around on the stairs. "Yes ma'am." We giggled almost in sync and climbed the stairs to the third story, returning to my bedroom. "That certainly was an emotional roller coaster." Thea sighed heavily as soon as the door shut behind us. "You're safe here, doll." I grinned, pulling her closer by her hips. "And i am grateful for that far beyond the my ability to use words." Thea whispered. My only response was to grab her face just below her cheeks, pulling her in and kissing her. Our mouths opened and slid along in sync with each other. I could feel Thea's hands snaking around the hem of my hoodie. I broke the kiss accidentally by nodding thus indicating that she could do what she wanted. In an instant, our tongues slid along each other and Thea's hands were grazing the tops of my boobs from up underneath my hoodie. "Oh my god..." I groaned. This was better than anything with Finn. I stopped kissing Thea and slipped her hoodie off. She did the same for me. Our t shirts and bras were no exception. "Slow down, doll." I teased as she gently groped at my exposed body. "You know you like it." She was teasing but she was also right. I nodded slowly, biting my lip and stepping backwards so i fell onto my bed with her on top of me. "I cannot say that i hate it." I smirked, rolling us over so i straddled atop Thea. First, i kissed all down her wrists where she had cut. And then down her stomach right to her panty line where the cuts stopped. "I'm gonna help you get better." I whispered sleepily as i crawled back up to lay on the pillow next to her. And the last thing i heard before drifting off was Thea replying; "thank you."

The unfortunate adventures of Sarah RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now