Chapter fourteen ~everything in it's right place~

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I didn't really have proper space to set up a bed on my bedroom floor that night. So Thea slept with me. My parents would have understood had they seen us. I hope. I mean, i had shared beds with other friends before. And we won't even mention the things they didn't know i'd done with Finn. (Which, honestly i was very ashamed of now.) and by slept with me, i didn't mean Thea and I had sex. We slept. It's as plain as that. There was cuddling and kissing but our clothes stayed on the whole time. We didn't go to sleep right away either. We talked a lot. The fact that i was Bisexual was very new to me so Thea did a lot of explaining sexualities to me. I learned that her parents had become very angry with her after she came out to them as lesbian. They would not let her hang out with just another girl unless that girl had a boyfriend so before last night she had just told them i was still dating Finn. It was scary. She said her mother hit her and her father told her she was going to hell and that God did not love her anymore because she was a Lesbian. I felt sorry for her. Maybe things would get better. I would keep my girlfriend safe. . I woke up before Thea did and i lay there waiting for her to wake up. Her hair fell perfectly around her face and her breast rose and fell slowly with each breath. She was beautiful even in her sleep. Eventually, her green eye fluttered open and she looked at me, frowning a little. "How long have you been awake?" Thea mumbled sleepily as she opened her blue eye as well. "Can't be more than forty minutes." I replied and looked at my watch to see if i had guessed anywhere close. It had been more like an hour. But she didn't need to know that. "Sorry." She blushed and pulled the blankets up to her cheeks. "It's okay." I whispered and kissed her forehead. "Do you want breakfast?" I asked. "My dad will be home today. He can make us pancakes." I suggested. "Okay." Thea nodded slowly. "Do i need to get dressed first?" She asked as we both sat up. "Nah." I scoffed slightly and ran a hand through my hair. "Lets go. I can hear him." I grabbed one of the blankets and tied it around my neck like a cape. "Capes are hot." Thea smirked and used the other one as a cape of her own. "I know." I smirked and kissed a spot on her neck just below her jawline before quickly turning away and stepping out my bedroom. We took the second set of stairs that led directly out of the hall and down into the kitchen. "Goodmorning, father!" I said in a loud voice and whipped my cape around to cover the lower part of my face. My father sat at the kitchen island on his laptop. "Jesus, Sarah! A warning?" He laughed and slammed his laptop shut as i had caused him to jump in fright. "How are you friends with her?" He laughed jokingly to Thea who had walked up behind me. "You'll see should you get to know me." Thea giggled. "Can you make us pancakes?" I asked my dad. "Coming right up!" He laughed and rose from his stool. "Lets go!" I giggled to Thea and flapped my cape behind me. She did the same and followed me out to the living room. We sat down on the cushy red couch that was there by the door and cuddled. Every so often breaking apart so my father wouldn't see. My parents didn't seem to be the kind of Christians Thea's parents were. I think they would have accepted us as a couple but it was better not to test that. For a while we would have to be to them no more than best friends. Besides, if you're not a little gay with your best friend then you're not best friends. "Breakfast!" My father bellowed from the kitchen. Thea and i stopped cuddling and rose from the couch, heading to the dining room. "Thank you." Thea said quietly and pushed her cape behind her as we sat down to eat. Almost immediately after breakfast, Thea's mother called her. They were expecting her home on the soonest train she could catch. We ran upstairs, pretending our blanket capes made us fly. Just as Thea and I ran into my bedroom, she knocked her head on the wall and stumbled back clutching the sore spot with clenched teeth. I slowly started to feel a stinging in my forehead and throbbing from within my skull. Odd, i hadn't hit my head. "Close your eyes." Thea giggled as she grabbed her clothes. "Yes, ma'am." I pulled my cape up over my eyes. While my girlfriend changed, i couldn't help but steal a peek. And oh God i know she would have killed me for it. There were horrible line scars across her stomach and all down her arms. Now i knew why she always wore hoodies or sweaters. Oh God, my poor beautiful Thea! I hoped she would tell me so i would have an excuse to know. And so i could help. I pulled my cape back up over my eyes as she finished changing. Then she did the same as i changed. We left for the nearest train station after she packed her bag.
"Do you think i'll see you again?" I asked as we boarded. "I hope so." Thea nodded slowly, blinking at me. "Your parents won't believe i'm dating Finn forever. Soon he and Britney will make it to the papers, if my article is published." I warned. "They can't stop me being a lesbian." Thea put in sadly and looked out the window for a while. I felt sorry for the poor girl. She seemed like she was about to cry as we left the train. "Well in case they try to, i need to do this again." I whispered and kissed her, standing there on the platform of crowded suburban station.

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