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"So... you coming back?' Namjoon asked over the phone.

I sigh as I slipped on my jacket, ready to leave and grab a few things off my list.

"I'm not coming back, I want to spend my 6 month alone. Freely" I answered back.

Ever since I shortly came back, Namjoon has been bickering me if I was coming back or not. Surely I wish I want to go back, but I want to rest.

"How about your grades?"

"I'll catch up". I grab my bag and my wallet before heading out of mt apartment. After the phone call, I was already at the grocery store.

All I needed was a few things to stock up and then go back to my apartment.

"Sesame oil.... Sesame oil... sesame- Oh here it is!". I look up the stacked shelves and see it just above my head.

I curse of course, seeing it so high above me. I tippytoe and reach it. But it was just an inch away from my hands.

I jump, but it was useless. It just made the sesame oil go further away from my hand.

"Curse me for being so small..." i say reaching for it again. Suddenly i touched it. It was in my hands, i successfully grabbed it.

"Here you go" A voice said. I place it in my basket.

"Thank you! " i say walking off. Wait a second... he sounds so familiar.

I turn around and see a back view of the man. His height was average, his hair was this light soft pastled green colour. And by the way he walked... MIN YOONGI!

I quickly drop my basket and placed on my hoodie. I look back to yoongi and he's walking my way. Oh my gosh !

"Do we know each other?" I hear him say. I hide behind my red hair while my hoodie is slightly doing its job.

"N-no... do we ?". He chuckles and tugs on my jacket.

"I know who you are, Wendy". I look up and his eyes were already looking at mine. I awkwardly laugh as he pulls my hoodie down.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were in Canada?"

"Long story..." I say picking up the basket.


As we arrive at the cafe just near my apartment, he drops down the bag and we sat down at a cornered table.

"How come you didn't tell me you were coming back?". He held his hand above and soon a boy with pitch black hair came in. Omg... its jungkook.

"Yes hyung, what would you- WENDY !" He said so loud, everyone in cafe turned around.

I stood up and placed my hand over his mouth to keep him silent.

He started mumbling sounds and as I let go,

"I miss you, everyone misses you. Are you coming back? When are you coming back ? Do you want anything ? Food ? I'll shout ? I'll

"Just shut up and get us two green tea latte". Jungkook nods before heading hisbway back to the counter, smiling.

"That was rude" i softly chuckle while I sat down.

"Well ever since you left, he wouldn't stop bickering about missing you"

"Cute" I answered back. Jungkook shortly came back and placed the two latte on the table and smiled at us before going back to his job.

"Are you coming back, to school?" Yoongi asked as he took a sip of his drink.

I do too, but I shook my head in response.

"I want to spend my 6 month freely, by myself".
Just as what I said to namjoon.

"Jin... he wants to apologize "

I raised my eyebrows. "Apologize? For his cause of what? "

"Of hurting you".

"I dont need an apology when that is in past. I live in the present time now Yoongi. He should of apologized once he said it to my face".

I took another sip of my drink and my phone buzzed.

I look to see who texted me, and it was my mother.

"I have to go now" I say reaching for my grocery bag.

"Can't I walk you back?"

"I'm going to my mums house "

"Then I'll drive you there". I was abit taken back. He can drive ?

"Since when?"

"Ever since you left, you missed out on alot of things " he said taking the bag away from me and walking away. He waves his hand to jungkook and so do I.

Apon reaching his car, it was a black Mercedes. It was the only car parked in the parking lot.

"Nice ride" i say. He opens the door for me before opening up his back boot.

"Yeh, and your the first to be in this car" he said closing the boot and getting in first. I soon trailed myself in and buckled myself after I closed the door.

"Where's your parents house ?"


"Seongbukdong? !?" He said so loudly over the music.

He looked at me and i nodd, luckily it was red light in traffic.

"Wow, rich much". I laugh and my phone buzzed again.

I see the text, it was from my sister.

"Dinner is almost ready, where are you?"
- Big sis ❤

"Im nearly there, a friend of mine is dropping me off"

"Invite he/she over. Mum made alot of food"
- Big sis ❤

I smile and close my phone and the car started once again.


"Hmmm?" He hummed

"Would you like to stay over for dinner? "

"Thank god you said that, I'm actually starving !"

We both laugh as he indicated to turn to the freeway and followed on to seonbukdong.

Its nice to meet him again, even though we haven't seen each other for just a week or so.

I have UPDATED! !! I wanted to update since last night, but wattpad keeps closing down on me. So I uninstalled it and installed it back and the chapter was deleted. So i rewrote what I remembered. So here it is !

Three more chapters and this ff is done 😭😭😭 don't worry. It'll be three long chapters!

Have a good day/night ! Love BTSVELVET ~ ❤

The Ex Kim Seokjin 《BTSVELVET FANFIC》Where stories live. Discover now