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Wendy's pov

I woke up with loud buzzes going through my ear. I got up, still half asleep and immediantly eyed my alarm clock. It was 5.55, just five minutes more and I could of woken up.

The buzzing sound was still going on. I looked at my desk and it was my phone. Every single time it buzzed, it vibrated the desk.

"What the hell, why is my phone buzzing for?". I unlock my screen but it goes to a black screen.

"What the heck..." i murmur to myself before tossing it away on my bed. I run my hands through my hair and today I felt stressed and headed towards the toilet.

Great... I'm on my period

A great way to start off the morning is to be greated by mother nature, how I sounded so sarcastic ~

I quickly took a shower and hurridly got changed, the feeling of wearing a pad is back.

Suddenly my home phone starts ringing and I jog towards it and picked it up.

"Yeobsayoo~" I sing as I placed the phone agaidnt my shoulder and ear. Multitasking, I make myself a bannana and strawberry smoothie.

"Wendy ! Did you check your phone ?!?! I sent you like billions of text messages!". It was Yeri.

I placed everything in the blender, including the strawberries and milk. Almond milk, since it taste alot better.

"No. I was about to check it this morning, but my phone suddenly went to a black screen. I'll have to go get it repaird, so what's up? "

"Ah n-nothing ! Don't worry, I forgot about it anyways. See you at school unnie, love u !" She saod in a hurry. As the line went dead, I stopped the blender and poured it into my foam and placed the lid on it.

After I got ready, I swang my bag on me and went to go find my phone once again and placed it in my pockets. After that I grabbed my guitar before leaving the apartment with my smoothie.

"C-cramps!" I half shout, half whispered. Jist in the middle of walking towards school with a bunch of workers, cramps just had to happen.

"Young lady, are you alright?" The old women asked me.

"A-aniyo! Gwenchanayo~" i whiper as I faked it. She left me and I quickly walk to school with half of the cramps gone.

"God I hope it aint a heavy flow" I whisper walking into the schools corridor. So lucky that the senior bulding is actually close.

"What heavy flow?" Some whispered from behind.

"I'm on my period, it god the cramps hurts !" I reply back. Wait what?

I turn my way to see who it was. It was yoongi. My eyes widened.

"Om your monthly?" He chuckled. I stand still, not knowing what to say, in that case I just nodded away.

"Do girls need a hug, or chocolate or anything?" He asked me. I shook my head before showing him my cup.

"Smoothie? " he said. I nod again and took a sip of it.

"Why are you here so early?" I questioned him as we went into our music class.

I placed my guitar beside me and sat down carefully. Well you know why...

"W-well, cause I have time to sleep" he says sitting infront of me, his back facing me.

I got up and moved towards the piano. Sloding my hand across the keys. Its been a while...

The Ex Kim Seokjin 《BTSVELVET FANFIC》Where stories live. Discover now