Pierced by His Eyes ~Itachi love story~ 1

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It's a bright, early morning, the sky was clear and the birds were chirping. I slowly slid out of bed and walked over to the bathroom to take a shower. Once I was done, I put on my usual outfit. (On the side)

I slid on my ninja shoes and picked up my Leaf headband, and placed it on my forehead. I sauntered down stairs and it was quiet like always. I may live in the Uchiha compound but I live with no one but myself. I sighed at the loneliness of the giant house and headed towards the kitchen, making some toast and black coffee. Then there was a knock at the door. I walked over and opened it to see Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha.

"Ready?" Itachi asked with a slight smirk on his face

I smiled back and nodded, "Yup."

"Reika-chan!" Sasuke yelled as he jumped and hugged me.

"Hi, to you too Sasuke. So since you brought Sasuke I take it we're taking him to school?" I asked as I looked up at Itachi

"Yeah. Mother has errands to run and Father is on a mission," Itachi explained.

I nodded, "Okay, Sasuke, ready for school?"

"Yup!" He replied as he still held onto my waist.

We headed out the house and to the academy and once Sasuke was dropped off at school safely, Itachi and I headed towards the Hokage's office for new missions. Me and Itachi are on the same anbu team and we're really close like best friends, but inside there was this emotion I couldn't quite explain, and when he looked in my eyes I always felt hypnotized.

"So, what are we doing today? Missions?" I asked breaking the silence

"You know it," he smirked

I laughed that's all we ever did was missions and train in the Anbu black ops. Itachi and I are the youngest members there. Which is impressive for our young age.

~Later that day~

After Itachi and I left the Anbu Black ops for the day, we went to pick up Sasuke from the Academy. When we go there, we looked at all the kids and their parents picking them up. I sighed. My parents never picked me up from the Academy it was just me, Itachi and his parents...I felt eyes on me that seemed to snap me out of my thoughts. It was Itachi, I gave him a small smile, but the look of concern didn't fade from his face. My attention shifted when Sasuke ran up to me with his friends and tackled me to the floor.

"OW! Sasuke, what the hell?"

"Hahaa. I took down an Anbu Black ops leader that proves I'm strong!" Sasuke concluded with much pride in his voice.

"You're not gonna be strong when I get done with you," I growled.

Sasuke crawled off me and hid behind Itachi.

"You're so lucky your brother is stronger than me," I threatened.

Sasuke stuck his tongue out at me and we all started laughing. We began to walk to back to the Uchiha compound. Once we got to Itachi's house and I stopped at the door, but Sasuke stood at the door.

"Well I better be leaving now," I said quietly and turning around to head home. That is until I felt a firm grip on my hand. I looked towards the source, Itachi, and I think to myself... Is he blushing?

"Um, Reika, you can stay for dinner. I'm sure my mother and father wouldn't mind," He said.

I could feel my face heat up as well, "Umm sure, why not?"

We walked in the house and took our shoes off. The house smelt really good. Itachi and I walked in to the Kitchen and found his mom cooking.

"Mother, can Reika stay for dinner?" Itachi asked politely.

"Sure why not I made too much anyways. Dinner will be done in 20 minutes," Mikoto replied with a smile.

I bowed

"Thank you for having me ma'am."

"No problem darling, it's always good to have company," She said as she turned back to her food.

I smiled and followed Itachi up the stairs and into his room. I sat down on his bed and looked around. It was still the same old room. I haven't been in Itachi's room in a while. He sat down next to me and started staring at me.

"What?" I asked as I gave him a confused look.

"Nothing," he chuckled.

He stood up and I continued to hold my confused look. He smiled at me and hovered over my body. His lips only centimeters away from mine. They were barely touching. His hot breath on my face made me blush incredibly and my heart beat faster than anything I've ever felt before.

Attention new reader and maybe even previous readers. I am currently in the process of editing some of the older chapters for this fanfiction so if anything seems to jump, change, or look odd, that's because it's in editing please be patient during this time. Thank you.


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