Pierced by His Eyes ~Itachi love story~ 9

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"Reika we have word that the Akatsuki have plans to infiltrate the village during the Spring Festival," Narakoto informed.

"What! We have to stop them from coming in!" I replied

"We just have to keep an eye out for them. The Hokage doesn't want to start a panic among the villagers. During the Festival you must participate in the karaoke contest to see if you can see any of them in the audience or what they could possibly want. Understood?" 

I sighed seeing as I had to participate in that stupid Karaoke contest anyways, "Yes sir."

"Thank you for understanding," Narakoto said.

"No Problem."

I closed the door and headed upstairs to take a shower. I saw Sasuke come out of his room where music could be heard playing in the background. We are basically twins at this point. We both seemed to listen to the depressing kind of music and we both hated Itachi with a passion. I swore to Sasuke that if the day came where I saw Itachi. I would kill hi with the strongest song I knew.

"Sasuke, what are you doing up child??" I asked him as I got down to his height.

"I came to check on you to see if you were okay. You were at the door for a while."

"No, it's nothing Captain Narakoto came to drop off a mission for me. Looks like I am singing in the Karaoke contest."

I sighed as I stood up and started to walk to my room, consciously knowing Sasuke was following right behind me.

"What song are you singing?" He pried.

"I don't know yet, but something meaningful."

"Don't you always do that?"

"Your point?"

Sasuke started chuckling "Yeah I guess. Well anyways, goodnight."

"Night Sasuke."

Sasuke left to his room and the loud music disappeared in to the background. I took a quick shower and put on a pair of short shorts and a red tank top. So many thoughts crawled in to my head about tomorrow and they wouldn't leave me alone, creating another sleepless night.

~ The next Day~

I woke up in the morning it was about 10, Sasuke was already gone for school. I had to figure out what outfit to where for today. 

I walked up and down the market and didn't find anything I liked. I sighed as I sat down at a dumpling shop with some hot mint green tea. (mm good!!!) I sipped,  watching people go by, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. Nothing. I looked across the street and set my tea down. There was a kimono that had actually sparked my interest. A pretty Kimono perfect for the Spring Festival. (Picture above). 

I went inside and bought it. I went home and it was about 12 there was nothing to do so I decided to lay down and sleep for the next 4 hours. 

I woke up to sound of running water upstairs. Sasuke must have gotten home from training. I decided to roll off the couch and start getting dressed. I did my hair different for once and wore red eye make up and black eye liner. 

Sasuke walked out of his room wearing a normal tux.

"Who's the tux for Sasuke? Planning on meeting up with someone at the festival?" I asked as I laced up my ankle boots.


I looked up quickly, "Me? Why?"

"Cause I know you haven't had a day like this in a while and I wanted to make sure you enjoyed it." 

I stood from my spot on the couch and Sasuke offered me his arm. I smiled at him and looped my arm through his.

"Well then shall we go?"

Sasuke and I walked out of the house, both of us looking absolutely stunning. We walked to the festival grounds and immediately everyone had their eyes on us. Almost as if we were famous, but the stares meant nothing to us. We would make sure tonight was going to be a good night for both of us, even if I was technically supposed to be on a mission. 

We ate lots of food and played some games like Kingyo Sukui. I even won him a small bear. As Sasuke and I were headed towards another place to get food the microphone at the center stage was turned on and the loud feedback caused us to look towards the stage. Lord Hokage walked up to the mic. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, anyone who wishes to participate in the karaoke contest please come to the stage," He announced.

There were only four people who walked onto the stage. Sakura and Ino, Me, and some other man I have never seen before...

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