Pierced by His Eyes ~Itachi love story~ 5

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I woke up in a cold sweat. Gasping for air. That was 2 years ago and Sasuke and I had been living together ever since that day. I was 17 now and Sasuke is turning 12 tomorrow. I'm throwing him a small party nothing big. After those 2 years I've become more... depressed, I guess you can say. I changed my hair, so now it was shorter more shoulder length and I dyed it white. I became more slender as well, due to the fact that I started to eat less. I started to wear purple contacts as well. It was hard for people to recognize me anymore and I didn't mind that at all. They only recognized me when they heard me speak, or usually when they saw me with Sasuke. But I'm still me, Reika Hibiki. The lonesome woman left by the heartbreaker Itachi Uchiha. I wasn't the only one who changed. Sasuke did too, and I don't blame him. He became colder, and more anti-social. He stopped going to the park and came straight home after school. Hopefully this party would do something for him, maybe cheer him up a bit.

There was a knock at the door. It was Sasuke.

"Reika-sama, it's time to get up."

"Okay," I mumbled. He obviously heard me because his footsteps started to fade.

I never spoke much anymore. I mean really what is there to say nowadays that isn't just pointless gossip. I never had a family, and I was with the Uchiha's since birth. The only family that I had ever known was Itachi and Sasuke. Now part of that family was gone and Sasuke was now my only reason to live. If anything happened to Sasuke I don't know what I would do with my life anymore. It honestly wouldn't be worth living. Sasuke knew about my depressed state and swore to kill Itachi for me. He wanted revenge on his brother. Not for only for his clan, but for hurting me. I always encouraged Sasuke to follow his dreams, and his revenge for Itachi gave him Power and Ambition. It made him stronger and I believe one day if not already. Sasuke would kill Itachi Uchiha.

I moved out of my seat in the window seal and unlocked my door. I was dressed in my Anbu outfit (as shown above) and headed to the Anbu Black Ops. Sasuke was already out the house and headed to the Ninja Academy, but not without making me a small breakfast. On the counter sat a glass of apple juice and a small plate of bacon and eggs. Geez, and I'm supposed to be the older one, but he's always taking care of me. Once I finished what I could, I left the house and headed out to start my errands.

Sasuke wasn't the only person who gained ambition from years ago. I ranked up to A and S-rank missions all by myself. Killing someone with a song made a Raven happy. That was my favorite saying. Of course, my life was always put on the line but I didn't too much care. The Third didn't approve but, even he couldn't stop me. Today I wasn't allowed to go on any missions as said by the Hokage and the advisors.

I went shopping for things for the party with the money I earned from doing so many missions. I practically spoil Sasuke. Any time we walk around the village, I tell everyone he's my brother. I would say son but he was too old. Plus the fact he acts as if he's 25 years old. So mature that boy. I grinned to myself and took all of the things back to my house. My arms are so full and I mean FULL. Sasuke didn't want a party but he was going to get one. I went back to my room and sat in the open window seal. I took out a book that had some songs that I wrote in it. I opened it to a page were a song that tore my heart pieces.

I let out a small tear and wiped it away. I jumped out the window and landed like a feather hitting the ground with such grace. I headed to the training grounds. I need to train, to do something to get my mind off things.

Hours had passed and my throat was burning in pain. About 10 trees were blown up from the violence of the songs and one was on fire. I stood straight up gripping my throat. I cleared it and focused on the biggest tree in the area. I opened you mouth and hit highest pitch in my throat...

"I'm Nothing

When Darkness follows me

The Dawn it never shows it's head

I'm left dying here

Instead with nothing

A lock without a key

Like the brightest star you shine through.

Itachi baby, you make me

Feel so alive."

(Ashley - Escape the Fate [modified to fit story])

The center of the tree turned green and fire came upon it. It exploded and the shrapnel flew and the wind in the training ground became strong. I covered my face with my arms. The wind was so strong that it blew me back into the memorial stone. I groaned. Tch. I'm going to have to learn to dodge my own attacks from that kind of song. I grunted as I struggled to lift myself from ground.

I finally reached home and saw Sasuke siting on the couch cleaning his ninja tools.

"Reika! Are you okay," Sasuke asked quickly as he ran up to me and wrapped my arm around to support me.

"I'm fine. Sasuke," I mumbled.

Sasuke helped me up stairs and helped me lay down on the bed.

"Do you need anything??" Sasuke questioned, worry present in his eyes.

I gave him a small smile and placed a soft hand on his cheek.

"Hey, don't give me that look. I told you I'm fine," I reassured him.

Sasuke could tell I was lying and he dressed my wounds anyway. I continued to lay there and soon sleep found it's way to me. As I fell in REM sleep a dream came to me and tears started to fill my eyes.

Sasuke's P.O.V.

After I dressed Reika's wounds I went back down stairs and looked at my ninja tools. A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. At the door was an Anbu Black Ops.

"Is Reika here?" He asked.

"She's up stairs sleeping. Why?"

"I have papers to leave for her."

"2nd room up the stairs, on the left. Not hard to miss." I responded as I let him in. He walked up the stairs and to her room.

Black Ops P.O.V

I went to Reika's room to see her sleeping, Yeah her room wasnt hard to find because the door was neon orange and the rest of the house was black, white, and blue. I looked at her. She wasn't the same as I remembered. She dyed her hair white and her usual red nails were dark blue. She was skinner, but still well curved. What happened 2 years ago put such an impact on her. I left a note for her under her pillow making sure not to wake her. I left out of her room and left the house.

"Thank you."

"No problem...." Sasuke said as he closed the door behind me.

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