I'm Worried...

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Warning: Lots of Gakupo Pervertedness in this chapter

Len's POV

All of my classes were a pain in the butt. I was so glad that it was finally done. I walked with Gakupo to the dorm as I laid down on my bed, doing homework while listening to "Electric Angel". Gakupo was happily dreaming of Luka as I could hear him in the background making up a really perverted song.

"What the heck?!" I asked and took off my headphones. Gakupo froze, and looked at me, a mixture of embarrassment and pervertedness. "I wonder why I'm in a dorm with such an idiot..."

"Come on, Len. I know that you think of Rin's curves and the face she makes when she-"

I immediately slapped him in the face. My face red at the thoughts. I shook my head repeatedly to get the thought out of my head.

"You've been drinking with Meiko, haven't you?" I asked him. He laughed with his stinging red cheek and basically collapsed on his bed with his bed landing on his pillow.

"Haha....this is how soft Luka-Chan's breasts would be...," he said. My eyes widened as I launched my large science book over to his head. I prayed that I hopefully knocked him out. Instead, he just laughed.

"That textbook is how hard I am around Luka... hehe..," Gakupo said. I sighed and eventually finished my homework. My long homework. I left Gakupo to be Gakupo as I went out of the school campus.

"It's still pretty early," I thought. "Maybe, I should, just have some time alone."

I was walking around the town which seemed really populated. I even caught some of the college students from the campus. Sweet Ann, Big Al, and a few others I really didn't know.

"It's her!" I heard someone from the crowd exclaim. I turned to look over there in curiosity. A bunch of paparazzi seemed to be crowding over a bus. I joined the crowd as I saw that there were fans that held up posters.

We Love Hatsune Miku

My eyes widened as I quickly left the place. When the celebrity stepped out of the bus, there were three girls. Kasane Teto, Akita Neru, and..

Hatsune Miku.

I saw that Miku had glanced at me and half grinned, turning back to her fans and signing autographs, and taking pictures.

I walked off like nothing happened. I stopped by a quiet place in the area and called Rin's number on my cellphone. It rung a few times until she answered.

"Rin. I saw Miku. She's literally a pop star," I said. Rin sounded like she was about to speak. Even so, she was still silent.

"Oh...," was all she said. "Oh! That's where she went! I thought that, she would go to to college or something. How did you find out?" Rin asked. I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

"Rin..are you okay?" I asked as she turned silent again.

"N-No..," she said eventually. My eyes widened as I started to get worried.

"Wait, what happened?" I asked her as I heard her sniff. I started to get really worried as my eyes popped open, almost as if I wasn't able to blink.

"I'm scared, Len. I saw Lily and Big Al break up. That's what I'm scared of. I'm scared of the both of us parting ways. You taught me so many things, and I don't want to loose you.."

I sighed and looked at the quiet lake that I was by. I smiled, even though a tear came out of my eye. I quickly wiped it away with my sweater. "Rin, don't ever think about me leaving you. Remember that promise I made? That I would be with you 24/7?" I asked.

"You're not hear right now, Len. I-I really need you right now," she said. I put my hand in my pocket.

"I was wondering if you would like something for dinner? I was thinking of, maybe getting some sushi and we could eat by the school cafeteria?" I asked her with a grin on my face. I could hear a tiny gasp escape her mouth on the phone.

"S-Sure. I'm fine with that," she said and giggled. I sighed in relief as I started to walk around the town for the nearest sushi place.

"I'll go there as soon as I can. I love you," I told her.

"I-I love you too, Len," she said as I smiled again.

"Bye, Rinny," I said and eventually hung up. I went inside and ordered her favorite sushi, which I soon learned what it was when she ate in the cafeteria. One of the first things she ate besides oranges. Same thing with me but for bananas.

I got the takeout and walked back to the college as fast as I could. I knocked on the door of Rin's dorm room. As soon as it opened, I put a big grin on my face and held up the bag.

"Rin! I got you takeout!" I exclaimed. She gave a warmhearted smile at me wth her cheeks pink. I extended my hand to her as if I was escorting her to prom. "Would you kindly join me in the cafeteria, Rin?"

She looked at me for a second and her faint pink blush turned into a deep red. She gave another smile at me as I felt her small hand in mine, with out fingers intertwined. "Of course," she said. We walked off happily as we were in the cafeteria and, it felt like a date.

I made some corny jokes as Rin laughed along with. We told each other stories. Even though, we were still holding hands. I made a promise to her. That I would stay with her 24/7. Even though this date wasn't much. Just some takeout sushi at a school cafeteria. Even so, it felt like I was already at the best date with her.

I guess, all my dates with Rin felt like that.

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