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Len's POV

"Maybe we should go to the library, or something. Stupid extra credit,that I had to do because my grade was low. Having to sacrifice my break with Rin," I muttered as Neru stared at her nails. I glared at her as she did absolutely nothing. Oh she was more than a bit of a pain. That's where I knew the name Project Diva came from.

"Ahem, earth to Neru. Do you copy? Houston, we got a problem!" I exclaimed as Neru shushed me.

"Ugh. That's it. I don't need extra credit I'm fine," I said as I grit my teeth, grabbed my book bag and ran to the door, but all she did was grab my arm.

"What the heck?!" I exclaimed as she took out her phone, texting someone.

"You have to stay for service hours, bad grade or not. I'm only here because I missed three entire quarters," Neru said as I rolled my eyes.

"I wish it was Rin that was with me. But she's so perfect she wouldn't have to do service hours," I muttered as Neru laughed.

"There's no such thing as a perfect girl, obviously. Same thing goes for guys. She may be perfect in your eyes, but she really isn't. If you used reality's eyes, then it would help," Neru said.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a mop, and started mopping the floor. Neru actually started to do something and reorganize the books in the classroom.

"You know, same thing goes with guys, Neru," I told her as Neru nodded, picking up an old school album of last year.

"Who made the yearbook?" Neru asked.

"The yearbook club," I said and continued to mop the floor.

"You know what I mean, stupid. Who made the freaking yearbook?" Neru asked.

"Um, Mr. Leon, Gakupo and Luka, Lily, Gumo, Merli, Lui, and a bunch of other people from the yearbook club that I don't know about," I said and grabbed a towel, got some windex, and started cleaning the windows. "Be careful the floors slippery."

"You seem efficient at cleaning. Rin would love a guy like you," Neru said as I shrugged, scratching the back of my neck.

"That's the best compliment I got from you. I got in trouble a lot ever since I was a kid, so my mom would make me clean the house in under an hour," I said.

"Brutal," was all Neru said.

Now that I saw it, Neru wasn't that bad of a person. It wasn't long before I got a call from Rin. I answered in quickly. "Hello?" I asked in the phone.

"Len, you okay?" Rin asked as I sighed and nodded, smiling at hearing her voice on the phone.

"I'm okay, I promise," I told her.

"U-Um, how's that project doing?" Rin asked on the phone.

"Okay. Actually it's not a project but it's called Project Detention, really. Neru and I are in trouble. Neru was using her cellphone the first day in class and most people don't even know she's in the school. And I got in trouble for nearly spilling chemicals on the teacher's lunch," I said.

All of a sudden, I heard Rin sigh in relief. "Okay, I was just checking. I just had a bit of a deja vu thing going on," Rin said on the phone as I lightly chuckled.

"Rin, didn't I tell you that promise in the beginning of the semester?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah, I'm just a bit scared," Rin said as I smiled, knowing that she cared about me, and was worried about me.

"It's okay, I love you too. I gotta go now before the teacher on detention duty catches me on the phone. Bye!" I exclaimed.

"Bye," Rin said as we hung up at the same time. I put my phone back in my pocket and continue to wipe the Windows. Before I knew it, they were clean without a single scratch.

"Now the desks!" I exclaimed and took out a new towel and sprayed windex on the desks and began to clean them.

Neru sighed, taking out a duster and started dusting the empty shelves and the books no one touches. "I have, a confession to make," Neru said as I chuckled.

"Confessing to me? With this little time we had with each other. Love at first sight much? You know I'm already ta-" Neru cut me off with threatening me with a duster.

"Shut up! It's not that! It's about Miku, and all of Project Diva," I said. I stopped wiping the desks as I turned to face her.

"Look, it was originally Miku creating the bad, being the lead vocalist. Teto was drums and I was guitar and occasionally piano. But, Miku had more intentions than just making a band where she could sing her heart out. The lyrics have been directed to you," Neru said.

"What? I've never heard the music, so could you explain?" I asked. Neru sighed and started to say quotes from her music.

"Was I born to be in love with you? Through this thin wall I mumble alone, 'Love me'," Neru said. I gulped, shaking my head.

"That could be toward any guy," I said as Neru pulled out her phone revealing texts from her and Miku.

Miku: Use your phone during class

I already am :Me

Miku: No, I mean get in trouble!

Why? :Me

Miku: Len's in detention
So you need to be in it, too

Why? :Me

Miku: Cheat on him.
Do something with him!

Why? :Me

Miku: Shut up, Neru!
Just do it! I want him back!

Ugh you always have it this way :Me

Miku: That's the Miku way

"What the-" I was cut off by Neru loudly shutting off her phone.

"Miku wanted me to kiss you or something so that Rin could see. Teto and I were planning on quitting Project Diva and we would just sing duet. However, Miku was the reason we were famous by starting drama and such. It was annoying, though. So I guess we would just do covers on YouTube when we quit," Neru said.

"You should," I told her and continued to clean the desks. "You should quit Project Diva."

"You really think so?" Neru asked as she picked up another rag and started to wipe the rest of the windex-sprayed desks.

"Yeah. I mean, once you get to know a celebrity, they're either really nice or really bratty. You're really nice once you think about it, since you showed me proof about Rin," I said as Neru was a bit shocked.

"I guess, we're friends then," Neru said as I nodded in agreement.

"Friends, sounds a bit too normal. Maybe best friends," I said as Neru laughed.

"We just met, idiot. Friends," Neru said as I nodded in agreement.

"You're right, friends it is. By the way, quit after the festival," I said as Neru nodded.

"Thanks for the advice," she said. Before I knew it, cleaning was done.

I eventually heard the bell ring, signifying lunch. I was able to hang out with Rin and tell her everything that I learned.

However, I saw that she was nowhere in the cafeteria.

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