School Festival

325 21 15

Rin's POV

It was the start of the festival, which was the opening of the festival, and Project Music Club would be the opening. Technically, it was originally project diva, but still. After what happened, the project diva thing was replaced with just a solo act from Teto Kasane.

Right now, she was performing a happy song about, bread or something. I never gave my mom that CD she wanted since she didn't want it anymore after she heard about when Neru Akita tried to, well, throw me in sewage water which leads to, agh, I don't know but I was tied up, and I still don't know how to swim...

Backstage, everyone was getting ready. Meiko told Len and I to wear matching outfits for the duet. Since, we basically look like twins. Even so, she thinks it's based off of our relationship more. I don't want to go back to the days where I thought we would be cousins, and people would judge us if we were dating.

I was standing in front of the mirror, Luka did my makeup which was pretty light, I had eyeliner, eyeshadow, and I guess some Chapstick. I looked at the mirror, in the outfit which looked abstract, like the color of black and white, a costume from Meltdown, I believe,  and Len would wear something matching.

I stared at the mirror, trying not to cry at the memory. Since, Luka said it would mess up my makeup. I knew, that Neru was not a friend of mine. Yet, I trusted her, and I thought of her as my friend, and someone I could tell everyone.

Then I faced the harsh reality, that she was he drama queen of them all, along with Miku. They, were the queens of betrayal, after what they had done, and to think, they were smart enough, to make up that whole group of lies into one thing to possibly believe me.

"Rin y-you, look beautiful," I saw Len say, as I saw him appear next to me in the mirror, standing behind me, hugging me from behind. I blushed red, my emotions suddenly changing. But there was always that sting in my heart, after what had happened.

"Th-Thanks. Honestly, it's probably the makeup," I said as Len shook his head.

"None of it is the makeup. You look beautiful just the way you are, Rin," Len said as I blushed a second time, though I frowned in sadness when I remembered the time when I was hanging out with Neru, at the dorms as I saw Len's expression change in the mirror to something of worry and sadness. "Rin? Are you okay?"

"I understood why they did it," I told Len as his eyes popped open. "I know why they would do that."

"Rin, with every reason they may have, it isn't enough to say why they would do that to you," Len told me as I shook my head.

"They have every reason," I said, knowing why. "Neru's mom died, and Miku's household, isn't exactly well. Len, their lives aren't exactly perfect."

"Still? Look at yours. Your dad cheated on your mom and killed the girl he cheated on and your mom is batcrap crazy about having revenge on him," Len said as I shook my head.

"I eventually figured out the puzzle, and they were like me. Len, when you dated them, you helped them fix, and become a better person. Then, when you broke up with them, they're lives were back to the way they were, and got revenge on the girl, that you stayed for," I admitted as Len wrapped his arms around me protectively.

"Rin...I'm sorry...that this all happened..," Len said as I blushed, smiling and holding his hand.

"You promised me already, I'll be okay, I promise," I told him, smiling as I closed my eyes. "Please, don't let anyone stand in the way of us."

"I won't, with all my life, I'll stay with you," Len said as I nodded, enjoying the fact that I was in his arms, and I as now safe and sound, and I would not have to think of being involved in that kind of drama ever again. We rocked back and forth, and I felt like a little kid on the swing set.

"I-I'm kind of nervous, for the performance," I admitted to Len as I opened my eyes back up,

"Don't worry, I'm nervous, too," Len said as I smiled, shyly holding his hand. He took it, lacing his fingers with mine as we put the headset on. "It's time for us to perform."

I nodded as we stepped onto the stage. I saw people cheer for me, which I was shocked with. I was especially surprised, since no one has ever seen me as someone like this in a huge crowd. And I was scared to disappoint them.

*go search the song or look above for Purple Butterfly on your Right Shoulder*

"Thank you! Everybody!" I exclaimed, holding the microphone and waving as they all stood up, with a standing ovation.

"Actually, the show's not over yet," Len said as my eyes widened. I saw Meiko standing backstage, giving a thumbs up, with Kaito doing the same behind her.

Luka was about to squeal as Gakupo kept her in her arms, trying to shush her to not spoil something.

"So, I was wondering, if we could go through thick and thin like we did since high school, and I have known you for quite a while. I want to, spend the rest of my life with you," Len said and pulled something out of his pocket, revealing it to be a velvet kind of box.

"I remember giving you an orange ring on a cupcake on your birthday. This time, it has a diamond on it, if that's okay," Len said as my eyes widened.

"W-Wait. Are you..," I trailed off as I was a blushing mess when I saw him bend down on one knee, to reveal what was inside the box, was a diamond ring. "L-Len, your serious.."

"Rin Kagaminu, who I can now call my Waifu, my sweet Orangu, will you let me marry you?"

My heart was racing, there were butterflies in my stomach, I was blushing so much I could faint at any moment. I nodded as he slipped the ring onto my ring finger as tears of joy spilled out of my eyes, like patters of joyful rain.

I heard everyone cheer louder and even awe as I blushed. He removed the hands on my mouth and kissed me on the lips. It was not at all filled with lust, but was a long, sweet kiss. It was just this single kiss, that made me feel as if I was in a fairy tale.

"I love you, Len."

"I love you Rin, with all my heart."

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