Gakupo Kamui's Relationship Advice

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Len's POV

Once class was over, I was on my closet, rummaging through my things when I saved a t shirt for this occasion. It was so frustrating that I eventually gave up and banged my head against the wall. I was either frustrated about that, or worried about Rin.

"Woah, Lenny. Slow down what happened? You usually don't get frustrated about shirts," Gakupo said with his arms crossed as he just got back from, what practice was it? Anyways, I didn't care but it was probably karate or something.

"It's none of your business," I muttered and found the shirt in plain sight as I took it with a pair of jeans and locked myself in the bathroom to change.

"If it has to do with your relationship then I can help," Gakupo said as I went out of the bathroom and rolled my eyes, eventually forcing myself to tell Gakupo.

"Rin might me really mad at me," I said as Gakupo raised one eyebrow.

"Um, Luka and I have fought at least once a week over stupid stuff that turns to serious stuff. With all the drama going on, there is no such thing as the perfect couple. After all you've been through, Rin had to be mad at you at least once. Plus, I'm expecting your first fight," Gakupo said and I frowned, looking out the window while tying my hair.

"What is she even mad at you about?" Gakupo asked as I gulped, possibly knowing what it is.

"Remember when I told you once? About dating Neru in middle school?" I asked as Gakupo sighed, laughing.

"Oh, that! Then you jumped to Miku then Rin! Rin's the longest relationship that ever lasted with you," Gakupo said and untied his hair, looking like a purple male Rapunzel.

"Look, Miku probably mentioned me being a playboy then. Which, I was. I dated Neru, Lily, um, Yukari, Ia. They're all in the past. I never bothered to tell Rin because I didn't want to remember it. That's why when Yukari was at her house, she wanted to slap me in the face. And that's why Neru's first impression was acting like a diva," I said and laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

"I love Rin. I love her no matter what. And with this drama, it's just tearing us apart farther and farther," I said and Gakupo patted me in the head.

"Relax, Lenny. While you're at the concert, I made a special request. You'll see it," Gakupo said as I shook my head.

"But what about stuff when we're in the concert and the others aren't? Miku mentioned Neru going berserk and Neru mentioned Miku plotting revenge! Which one do I trust? Help me help me help me-" Gakupo cut me off with him loudly shushing me.

"I'm bringing Teto with me. Since she's the one in the middle, she'll text me and stuff with whatever is going between Miku and Neru," Gakupo said.

"What if we do have our first fight? I mean, I'm not prepared! After all the stuff we've been through and how long we lasted, we haven't had a single fight! What should I do? Be the one to forgive?" I asked as Gakupo sighed, nodding.

"Women hate it when they're the one to forgive. I learned it the hard way. The 'Luka Smacking Me In The Face With A Raw Tuna' way," Gakupo said and chuckled as I shuddered in fear. What if Rin can be secretly that angry and throw oranges at me as if they were bombs?

"Also, technically it was your fault. You should just say sorry before the fight even starts. It saves your breath and a lot of time," Gakupo said as I nodded, getting up to get my shoes.

"Okay. Thanks for the advice. But, who should I believe? Neru or Miku? I mean, at this rate their both the same amount of hate and trouble but I need to know. Help me love doctor slash drama Doctor Gakupo Kamui," I said sounding about desperate. Though part of me made it sound like sarcasm.

"I would say Neru, but then again, she might just surprise you. Just play both sides calmly until I can talk to Teto about this," Gakupo said as I nodded. All of a sudden, I heard someone knock on the door.

"Luka-Chan~" Gakupo said in a sing song voice as he went towards the door to answer it. I followed him and his behind him, due to the fact he was tall.

"Oh. Never mind it's just her ugly stepsister who's ex is the Canine Coachman," Gakupo said and rolled his eyes as Lily slapped him in the face and I just held back a snicker.

"Shut up, Eggplant Princess! Now, my sister said that Len should trust neither. Luka remembered how they both were. But if you were forced to choose sides, just calmly pretend that your on both sides without the other one knowing," Lily said as Gakupo rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"That's what I just said," Gakupo said as Lily punched him in the arm. They looked, almost as if they were brother and sister. Of course, they're in laws in the future when Luka and Gakupo get married. Or, if they get married. No one can really tel time and what would happen in between.

"Okay, I have to go. It reeks of boy in here," Lily said and walked out of the room. Gakupo laughed as I stood up and grabbed my essentials with me. Such as a phone, and a wallet, and that's pretty much it.

"How awkward was it with your ex?" Gakupo asked and chuckled as I shook my head.

"Well, I don't know because I gotta date tonight and not letting anger ruining it," I said and stepped out of the room and knocked on meh door. I saw that Rin was there with a shy look on her face.

"Look, I'm sorry I never told you. It was all in the past, so I had to forget it. If I have to say sorry over a thousand times I will," I said and held her hand. Rin smiled and top toed, kissing me on the nose.

"I forgave you even before you said sorry. Now, shall we?" Rin asked as I sighed in relief. We linked arms and walked out of the building and towards the concert.

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