Zola Project..?

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Rin's POV

"You were that much of a playboy in middle school? I wish I stuck around to see that happen," I said and giggled a bit as Len was red faced. "I wonder how adorable you looked and how cool you acted."

"Rin, no," Len said, just causing me to laugh even more.

"Okay, I'll stop. Seriously, were they actual girlfriends?" I asked as Len sighed and nodded.

"It wasn't elementary, Rin. Why do you think I was such a troublemaker when you saw me in freshman? Because of middle school," Len muttered as I nodded. We took our seats as we waited for the concert to start since we came a bit early so they started to show advertisements.

"Hey, Rin," Len said and I caught him staring at me. I was blushing a bit and returned a smile.

"What is it? If you want to thank me, thank Rinto. Honestly, it was him," I said as Len shook his head.

"Who should we believe?" Len asked as my eyes widened as I started to bite my nails nervously.

"If I were to be honest, Neru. I've known her, and I could relate to her, and hopefully I can trust her as much as I trust you," I said with a smile on my face. Len shook his head.

"U-Um, I'll just pretend I'm on both sides, just to play safe," Len said as I nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I just trust Neru more," I said as I heard music starting to play. It was more like a piano, and I knew that no one in Zola Project played the piano, so I was thinking it was the opening band.

I heard booing all of a sudden...

I turned to see who was on stage and it was no other than Neru Akita. My eyes widened in shock as she started to play the piano, or, keyboard. Though the sound of the boos were louder. I gave her one thumbs up in the crowd, letting her know it was me.

Her eyes were looking around as she saw my thumbs up and just shrugged with a half smile on her face.

"What the heck? Why are they booing Neru?" I asked Len as he shook his head.

"I did research and Zola Project hates Project Diva since they think they copied off of their name. So Neru became the opening act instead of all of Project Diva. But still, this is how it ended up," he said as I gulped, looking up at Neru singing 'The Lost One's Weeping'.

Her piano skills actually average for a Japanese person, which means she was good. Actually, she was really skilled at it since 'The Lost One's Weeping' was a very face paced song. She kept up with the beat, which I found to be almost amazing.

"Feel it cutting into me, the doubting, painful, knife. Feel it deepening the rift, finally hit just right. Couldn't take the love I had, so weak and burning low. But it grew into a weapon, only hurting me, this I know..."

I quickly noticed something with the first stanza of the first verse. The pain, sounding in her voice, matching the song. As if, she was aware of the crowd booing her.

I looked carefully to see that there were tears glistening from her eyes. Her piano playing almost slowed down, as the boos got louder.

"Len. Megaphone," I said as he raised one eyebrow.

"I don't have one with me," Len said as I nodded. Even though I was known on being the quiet one, I cheered the loudest I could.

I soon noticed, that this was her song. She made it herself. I heard my mom listening to it when she was crying in her bed over dad cheating on her. This song, was similar to the song I made once.

Abstract Nonsense. A song that I made from depression and recorded Rinto playing the electric guitar and Mikuo playing the drums.


*flash back*

"You know Rin your an idiot sometimes even for the smartest girl in class," Mikuo said chuckling and I looked at him puzzled. Idiot?

"See you don't even know what I'm talking about! I only dated you so that Miku can have Len," Mikuo said and my eyes widened which brought me to tears.

"M-Mikuo I thought that..." I trailed off in my own tears. Mikuo just continued laughing. "Well you thought wrong! Since Miku cheated on Len with someone else, bye-bye Rin!" Mikuo said waving a goodbye to me with no feelings in it at all. He even opened the door so I could leave. I walked outside and even then I could hear Mikuo's laughter. I tried to wipe my tears away. But no.

*end of flashback*

"Rin? Rin?" I heard Len call out my name as I faced him. He had a worried expression on your face. "Neru's performance just ended. You were spacing out."

"I-I was? How embarrassing..," I said and chuckled lightly. Loud electric guitar music was playing and fog was coming from the stage. The concert was about to start.

"We're you thinking of something?" Len asked as I nodded. I felt him hold my hand and intertwine his fingers wth mine, which helped me relax a bit. "We'll talk about it later. Just, have a good time at the concert for now."

I nodded in agreement and tightened the grip that I had on his hand and relaxed a bit, inhaling and exhaling deeply.

I found some people from our school in the crowd. Though I don't know their names, I see them in the lecture hall in my classes.

I guess, Len was right. The concert got my mind off of the bad things going on in my mind at the moment. Even though most of their music was rock, I felt, relaxed, if that was the feeling that I felt.

I enjoyed the concert the whole way, as I sang along to almost every song. I was a big fan and I did literally scream when Rinto gave me the tickets.

Of course, with my hand in Len's and the fact he was here with me, it felt, okay...

Okay author note!

Sorry for not updating earlier I kept on procrastinating!

Also it says slow updates in the title so, sorry about that...

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