Before Music Club

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Len's POV

My hands were trembling when I was writing my essay in class, and my writing was turning sloppy. Rin was in the same class as Miku. Neru and I would eventually pass notes in class. All of a sudden, my phone went off in class, as I started to panic.

"Idiot," Neru muttered and continued writing her essay.

"Mr. Kagamine  your phones must be on silent mode at all times if they are welcome in this class," the professor said as I sighed, stepping out of the classroom and into the hallways to answer the call from, Meiko?

"What is it? I got in trouble in class because of you?" I asked.

"I don't know, but Kaito showed up at the bar, explaining everything. I don't know if I should believe him or not," Meiko said as I sighed.

"Believe him. Only because he told me and I was convinced it was true. You miss him, don't you? Even after you sent him to the hospital about a hundred times in one year," I said.

"Okay, fine. I'll do it and I'll tell him that I'll miss him. Sorry about that. Also, there's practice today due to two additional members," Meiko said and hung up.

"The other one's probably Teto," I said and turned off my phone, putting it on silent mode and back in my pocket. I went back to my seat where Neru rolled her eyes. I continued with my essay and had little time to improve my handwriting, so I made the best out of it.

"Mr. Kagamine care to explain?" The professor asked when I handed him the essay.

The handwriting was worse than a bunch of scribbles.

"I'm sorry, professor! I was in a rush!" I exclaimed as the professor shook his head in disappointment, handing me another piece of paper.

Extra homework: Research on the butterfly metamorphosis, 5 pages no double space

Essay do-over

"No! I can't freaking write five pages on that! Ugh, and not to mention how girly it is!" I exclaimed as Neru snickered. I frowned and put the things in my book bag.

After school, we all met up at the college's music room where we waited. There were two computers in front of us showing Oliver and Yuki had to Skype. I swear I saw them last practice, but I did hear Aoki mentioning them going to England.

Slowly all of them started to come inside. I searched through my book bag and get out my computer that surprisingly fit inside and went on to typing my essay.

"Did the professor give you more homework?" Rin asked as I kept deep concentration on my essay and just nodded.

"Really? That's so easy! Here, let me do it," Rin said as I raised one eyebrow. Hesitantly, I handed her the computer.

"I don't want more work to be on your shoulders so..," I trailed off, seeing her fingers type at lighting speed on the keyboard. Her attention barely focused on the essay as she just smiled at me. She didn't even make a spelling or grammar mistake.

"As I expect from Rin Kagamine. I'm surprised you didn't go to a higher ranking school in Japan," Yuki said as Rin just chuckled.

"Well, I wanted to stay with Len, of course. I'm assuming that's why Oliver worked hard to be with you, Yuki," Rin said as Oliver's face turned red.

"N-No! It was because I already skipped grades like Yuki did! So, we just happened to, go to the same college overseas!" Oliver exclaimed as I laughed.

"Yeah right. At least you guys stayed this long. Piko broke up with Aoki and Yukari broke up with IO, or the other way around," I said as Yuki nodded.

"I already know," Yuki and Oliver replied at the same time.

"What? Yukari told me she didn't contact you guys because you were too caught up in studies!" Rin exclaimed as Oliver nodded.

"Aoki is the one who tells us everything. Piko, too. Yukari isn't very social, isn't she?" Oliver asked as Rin frowned. I watched her complete the first page as if it were nothing.

"What was the reason Yukari and IO broke up anyways?" Yuki asked.

"Because he freaking told me he was gay."

I saw as Yukari, Piko, and Aoki walked through the door to see the computers there. I raised one eyebrow at Yukari.

"EH?! Why didn't you tell me that?!" Aoki exclaimed.

"Look at the way he dresses! Don't you think you would figure it out sooner or later that IO was gay? I mean, I have no problem with him being gay, but he was dating me! So, he had to come out of the box eventually," Yukari said as I got up to pat her back.

"There there, Yuzuki-Chan, it's okay," I said as Yukari rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. Why is everyone late?" Yukari asked as I shrugged.

"Neru and Miku should be here any minute. Gakupo and Luka, too. Though I don't blame Meiko and Kaito for being late since they live far," I said. I saw as Rin lightly laughed. "What is it?" I asked her.

"Our little group is back together. I actually really miss this," Rin said as she was done with her second page.


"I stayed indoors my whole life, so I learned how to do this," Rin said as Piko took a seat next to me, Aoki sitting next to Rin, and Yukari sitting next to Piko. The computers which Yuki and Oliver Skyped with was on the teacher's desk where it would usually be if school was still going on.

"We're here!" I heard Meiko exclaim in the car as I heard the tire wheels screech loudly. Meiko still hasn't changed. Kaito sighed, harrying heavy loads of equipment as the rest of them did the same, coming inside the room.

"Hey, have any of you seem the Project Diva? They were suppose to help us with equipment," Meiko said as Rin's eyes widened as she finished the whole essay, turning off the computer.

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