15 : Off-Putting Matter

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26th November, Unknown Room, 10:50 p.m.

Two days have gone. I still don't know what's really happening. Am I still asleep or... No, I see the ceiling now. I'm awake already. My right hand can move but my left couldn't. It was handcuffed to a pillar. Where am I? I don't know this place. Could I be at Tenjitsu?

"You're awake." Someone's voice from behind a glass. Wait, not glass again...

"I see that you've caused much trouble."

I didn't know what to say so I kept silent. Then, someone entered the room. It was the General himself. He and another two Farsyas.

"Do you know what have you done?" He asked.




He took something from the hand of the man beside him. It's a talisman sealed in a transparent bag.

"This was found on your body yesterday." He said.

"I don't know anything..."

"Is it that you don't know anything or you don't want to know anything?"

"I really don't know anything.... What do you want?"

"Let me ask you a question. Answer me honestly or things going to end up bad. Are you a Nora or a Farsya?"

He must have knew my idendity already, why is he asking me this question?

"I'm...a Nora." I answered.

The General somehow walked towards me. His hand was reaching towards his sword sheath.

"You're lying." He swinged his sword violently and hit my left eye from the side. That blow was too painful to take eventually just broke my eye's retina. Blood rush out like tears.

"Didn't I tell you to answer me honestly?"

"Agh...! What do you expect me to answer you then...?!"

"You know that answer yourself, am I right? That's what make you here."

Did he knew that I'm not actually a Nora but just a half? How can something like that bring me into this situation?

"No Nora can do something like that. What can you explain about your actions?"

What did I do? What did I actually do... "Even if I can't heal you, your remaining Nora genes will heal you. And when that happens, you'll turn into a fine monster." ...I remember now. I was dead. My heart was gone. But I don't remember what happened after that.

"I...I'm just a Nora. Nothing else."

"I see." The General raised his sword again and was ready to strike my head this time. It was then Mahiru rushed into the room and put her hands around my head, protecting it. She took the blow instead.

"What are you doing here, Sergeant Major Mahiru Hokusai?" The General asked her with not a happy face.

"I'm doing what I'm supposed to do. Protecting my comrade."

"You call her your comrade? She's a Nora. Know your place, Farsya."

"You're the one who put her into our unit, don't you remember?" Mahiru continued. "And that's what caused Aina her condition today!"

Did something happen to Aina? Why didn't I know that?

"What happened to Aina? Did...did I...?"

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